Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Pompeo's 'Bright Side' of Global Warming

'Hot dam! Would you look at that! See, I 'knew' there'd be a bright side to this global warming thingy! Hell, that stupid ice has been a bother for years! It's about time that we have been able to melt that stuff out of our way, now we can destroy, errr..I mean 'develope', that place just like we have 'developed' everyplace else that our greedy little hands have touched.
Look out virgin Artic, here we come!
But first, let me say this about that, "The Arctic is at the forefron...t of opportunity and abundance," "It houses 13 percent of the world's undiscovered oil, 30 percent of its undiscovered gas, an abundance of uranium, rare earth minerals, gold, diamonds, and millions of square miles of untapped resources, fisheries galore." Money, money, money!!! We'll all be filthy rich just like my 'Presidential' boss!
Did you know that, "This could potentially slash the time it takes to travel between Asia and the West by as much as 20 days."  Yes, you heard me correctly, "potentially...20 days" faster! Wow! We could get 'there' "20 days" faster than we can now! 'Time travel' is very important to my 'boss', and whatever is important to him, is important to me as well. He gets what he wants, and I'm the guy to deleiver it! You see, I'm a pretty smart guy myself, even if my brain is much, much smaller than my boss' brain.
Did I mention that because of my boss, "America is the world's leader in caring for the environment," yep, and that's the 'truth', the whole truth and nothing but the truth, according to my boss. He really cares about America's "environment", and has done everything possible to keep it clean by letting the polluters be in charge of their own 'hen houses'. Afterall, who knows best as to how to police themselves, but themselves? And when it comes down to it, he will insure that when we are able to gouge our cold steel hands into Mother Earths bowels in the Artic, that it will be done in a clean, and respectful manner, just as we've done every place else that we humans have ravaged. So, I emplore everyone to just move along, stop the gawking, nothing to see here, business as usual.'

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Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday praised the Arctic region -- and…

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