Tuesday, May 7, 2019

'Birds Of A Feather...'

Tiger Woods has now sold his soul to his 'golf master', Trump, 'The Benevolent', and has tarnished forever the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Trump, 'The Suck-up', knows no end to his pandering ways, and this is just another example of how far, and low, he is willing to bend over in order to garner just one more 'vote', and hopes of many more by playing Mr. Woods, his 'race card'.
Tiger Woods has never done anything good for America, winning a few golf matches does not count in the least, his race, or any race for that matter, or humanity in general that would qualify him to receive this award. Unless of course you would count his friendship with his BFF, and now FWB, Trump, 'The Me, Me, Me'.
Winning a golf match, or two, or three, or a crap bucket full of them, should not qualify anyone, no matter who they are, for receiving this medal. Otherwise, why not spread it around the 'sports' world to other 'winners' in other fields of contest? Football, Baseball, Bowling, Dart tossing, Arm Wrestling, Cow Pie tossing, Watermelon Seed Spitting. Where does it end? But of course, with Trump, it will only end when he is voted out of office. As for Woods, were he a real man, a man with real morals, real ethics, and a real social conscience, he would have immediately declined this phony awards stunt when he was first notified of it. But instead, he let his 'look at me' ego override his common sense, and allowed himself to prostrate in front of his BFF-FWB, while Trump, 'The Gift Giver', picked his pocket of his soul. He now is forever beholding to his golfing pal, and must always come crawling before his masters throne whenever he is summoned. Two sad, little, insignificant man-babies. 'Birds of a feather....'.

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Tiger Woods was chided Monday night moments after receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom award from President Trump about a month after winning at the Masters.

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