Friday, May 31, 2019

Mueller, "A true never-Trumper"

'Oooooo..don'tCha just hate people that you can't trust to keep their mouths shut!? Don'tCha? Huh? Don'tCha? Look at this Mueller guy! What a big mouth he turned out to be. Never met the guy myself, but already I don't trust him. What a liar he is! At one time I thought he could be a real friend, but not now! No way! Now, "I think Mueller is a true never-Trumper," and I mean "Never"! Can't trust the guy! Now he's got everybody, even some of my former close Republican 'friends', talking this rubbish about impeachment! What a "dirty filthy disgusting word"! Yuk! It leaves a horrible taste in my silver tongued mouth. I wish I could just wash my mouth out with 'truth soap', and never even hear that word again! Disgusting Mueller! It's a good thing he resigned because he was just one step ahead of being fired. Mueller, "you're fired"! I forbid you to even 'think' about my name! I forbid you to even ever talk about me, or to even admit that you know me. That's a 'Presidential' lawful order! I can do that. That's why I'm President, and you're not, you disgusting liar, you. Why couldn't you be more like me!? I tried to set a good 'Presidential' example for you to follow, and how do you repay me??? You besmirch my godly name, you foul the air with your disgusting lies, you, you, you, "never-Trumper," you!

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Impeachment is a "dirty filthy disgusting word," the president told reporters as talk of beginning proceedings to remove the president has grown louder.

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