Friday, May 17, 2019

Kushner, The "Clueless"

' daddy has always told me that next to him, I'm the smartest little unsupervised boy he has ever sired. He say's that I'm a chip off his fabulous, manly loin! And I Am a smart little boy I tell you, I really am. My daddy wouldn't have picked me, me out of millions of other smart boys, to help him "make America great again", even if I was half as dumb as I appear to actually be! He wouldn't! Honest! My daddy has never, except maybe when he has to, in order to protect me from myself, practically ever lied to me, and I'm pretty sure that he's almost telling the truth now. I'm not even sure what those mean ol' republicans are even talking about when they say I'm "clueless"! I think they're just trying to confuse me even more than I already am. I'm gonna tell my daddy to give them all a great big spanking, and make them leave me alone. There! This just has me totally "clueless"! Really! I'm not kidding.'

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Kushner fails to impress GOP senators in private meeting on immigration plan: "He's in his own little world"

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