Thursday, January 10, 2019

Yes, A Very, "disgraceful situation"

It's a "disgraceful situation", "disgraceful"!!
Americans, myself excluded of course, are sending billions, and billions, and billions, and billions, and then some millions, and some thousands, and a few hundreds, of wasted tax dollars to the State of California to fight, "Forrest fires that, with proper Forest Management, would never happen". Never! Honest! Really! That's no lie. So, instead of sending, and wasting FEMA tax money, I, as your elected wanna-be dictator, am is...suing a direct order to all American's who still care, about as much as I, myself do, to send a common yard rake, hereafter to be known as a 'Forrest Fire Prevention Impliment', to every resident of that disgusting state. From now on, every "forrest" in that money wasting state shall be raked clean of all things that are combustible. I will hire private logging corporations to clear-cut large swaths of virgin "forrest" land to insure that there are no repeats of the fires of last year. Beside, those trees standing there doing nothing but taking up valuable hotel space, are making no money for my corporate friends in the logging, oil, gas, and mineral industries. Trees are so, so, dated, and such old things. Trees simply burn too easily to allow them to continue catching on fire everytime someone, probably an illegal immigrant, throws down a lighted joint. The only way to prevent "forrest" fires is to log all the offending forests clean of trees. Then "rake" the leftover stuff, and problem solved. No trees, no fires. Simple as that. Why do I have to tell them how to do their jobs out there? That's also very simple, I know more about "forrest" fires than they'll ever know, and I've never even been near a tree! No one should be allowed to live in a "forrest" anyway! Who does that!? Did I mention that, I have a very large brain, and that's why I'm so very smart. So, "Unless they get their act together, which is unlikely, I have ordered FEMA to send no more money". Let this be a 'lesson' learned for the future in "Forrest" fire management.
I know that all tax paying Americans, again excluding my non-tax paying self, and my Republican friends, and especially all those hundreds of thousands of tax payers adversly affected by my government shutdown, are behind me one hundred fifty percent, maybe even more than that. We'll see. Have I mentioned my huge, absolutly unbelievable approval ratings? Obama, eat your immigrant heart out! I'm the 'man'! Look at me! I said look at me! Well!? Please?'

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"Unless they get their act together, which is unlikely, I have ordered FEMA to send no more money," the president tweeted Wednesday

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