Thursday, January 31, 2019

Don't They 'Know' Anything?

'Hey, what's with these guys!? Don't they 'know' anything about foreign policy? Have I taught them nothing?? Have they slept through all my security briefings? Look, remember when I was running for office? Remember those days? Sold a lot of 'snake oil' back then, huh? Remember when I said that I 'know' more than all my generals combined? Remember that one? Well, since then, I have learned ten times as much as my generals. My friends, and 'mentors' in Russia, China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, you know, those places that have the greatest dictators the world has ever seen, fill me in on world events almost every day. And they all tell me that they are looking out for America's best interests, and that I should just go golfing and let them take care of America's security. How could they all be 'wrong'? What are the chances? Come on people, we gotta 'trust' someone, right? You can 'trust' me on this. I only lie to you when "necessary".
Why do we even have these people? I don't need 'advisors'! I know what is best for America, and that 'best' is Me!
It seems to me, and according to my BFF Vlad, 'The Nation Builder', that every single one of my Intelligence Agencies don't know what they are talking about. Makes me wonder what their 'real' agendas are. Who are they working for here? Congress should start a really big investigation into every one of these lying agencies. This sounds like some sort of 'coup' in the making! Heads are going to roll folks! I'm gonna line all these traitors up against my 'wall', and fire all of them! You're fired! Find a real job!
And don't even 'think' about trying to get rid of me! I'm un-touchable, Invincible, above the law of the land, I can do no wrong, and do anything I please. Remember my 5th Ave quote? I 'rule' America, and if I say my generals are wrong, then that's the end of the story. Period. That's why I'm President, and they are not.'

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He wrote on Twitter that the Islamic State in Syria “will soon be destroyed."

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