Saturday, January 5, 2019

Gavin Say's, "Take Down Those Anti-Hate Signs"

'Oh, I'm soooo 'proud' of not being a "Proud Boy" anymore! That little 'social drinking club' that I founded, was such a bore. Boring members, boring anti-everything riots, boring ass-kicking of gay democrats, boring me, boring, boring, boring. But hey, that's just me.
So, now I don't know what all this fuss is about. I mean, come on folks, that includes all you Jew boys out there, and all you dark skinned freeloaders, you useless gay fruits, you Trump bashing liberals, yeah,... all of you, even my hateful neighbors, everything about my 'former' hatefull, racist, self is now in the past. Well, actually tucked away in my closet. This is the 'new' me. I'm so sqeeky clean that flies no longer congregate about my facist head. So, take down those awful 'We hate Gavin' signs, because at the present, and unless you cross me, I mean you no harm, I practically 'love' all of you, regardless of your unfortunate race, color, or place of origin. I'm a changed man, I tell you, I'm wearing a whole new leaf. Honest. You can 'now' trust me. Really. Come on, just look at my friendly continance, does this look like a face that contains even a pound or two of hate? No, of course 'not'. There's not a hateful bone in my skin, as far as I can tell at the moment. I'm such a "Proud Boy" now. Please do not let my very, very, recent hate filled comments, like, “If you have that sign on your lawn, you’re a fucking retard,” deter you from loving me, the way I 'love' you, you "fucking retard".'

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The Proud Boys founder wants neighbors to be nicer to him after quitting the group. ‘Hate certainly has no place here, and like you I am committed to keeping it that way!’

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