Saturday, January 26, 2019

'Am I Really Just Crazy, Or What?'

'Am I really just crazy, or am I one great negotiator? I mean, check this out folks, I 'painted' those disgusting Dems right into a corner with my excellent hostage taking skills, and forced them to do my bidding. They have agreed, they knew they had no choice but to cave to my demands of re-opening the government so that 'my' Federal employees, who have backed me one hundred percent, can get back to work and try to repair the financial damage they incurred due to the gross stupidity of that 'other' party. How dare they treat 'my' employees this way!
So, I, being the generous, benevolent, and 'Presidential' person that we all know me to be, have given them three weeks to come up with the billions, and billions of tax dollars that I will need in order to build my wall that I promised my voters during the elections, which by the way I won by a landslide popular vote. Huge numbers! Unbelieveable! So, they have three weeks to cave in to my despotic demands or I will shut the government down again. And maybe even worse than that. I'm the 'Exalted Grande leader' of America, I can do that. Actually, I can do worse that that. I just happen to hold the 'Trump' card, and the Dems 'folded'. I have more power than god himself. I know how to work the Constitution in my favor, no other President has ever had the gonads to do what I do. That's what you call Power. I am un-touchable, and above the rule of law, just read the Constitution folks! It's all right there in black and white. I can do whatever I want to do to America! I am to be feared! That's why I'm President, that's why all Americans love and respect me, and will vote for me again. Honest, they really will.
Did I mention that if the Dems don't play ball this time by my playground, bullyboy, rules, that I have "a very powerful tool” that I can use? Oh yeah! The Constitution gives me the power to do anything I want to do to America in order to get my bully way. Ever heard of a "National Emergency"? Oh, you will! If they force me, I'll declare one, and throw this whole country upside down, inside out and everything in-between. If you thought this measely little government 'shut-down' was bad, just wait until I declare a "National Emergency"! You haven't seen nothing yet! I'm gonna get my wall, one way or the other, no matter what it takes, no matter how many Americans I have to hurt or destroy to get it done. Like I 'said', you haven't seen nothing yet. Period.'

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In a sudden change of course, President Trump on Friday announced an…

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