Tuesday, January 22, 2019

"Equel" Time For 'Lynchings'

'Hi, I'm Lori Saine, a top notch Republican 'Lawmaker' from the learned State of Colorodo, and I pretty much 'represent' these remarks.
 As all my constituents are aware of, especially now, I share a really large 'brain' with my alter ego, President Trump, who is also as incompetent as I, myself am.
Today is a very special day, to some people anyway, it's all about that Black guy Martin Luther King, you 'know', the one from the bible, but it doesn't matter one bit to me what color he was, because I'm really 'color blind'. I'm not sure what chapter he is in in the bible, but where ever it is he must have been really close to jesus for some reason. See, just like me, jesus liked Black people too.
But what I'd like to talk about happened right here in America, not in the bible, and not that long ago either. You see, there was a time in America, unlike today, where people just hated Republicans. Hated'em awful like! Terrible! And you know what? Well, I'll tell you what. Being a Republican back in those 'darky' days was dangerous business. Democrats hated them so much that they would 'tar and feather'em', run'em outta town on a rail, burn down their houses, and just kill them in general, mostly by lynching them from trees and stuff. And lots of them too!
At the same time this was going on, there were lots, and lots of Black people that had migrated to Americas shores from somewhere overseas. They came to America looking for good paying 'jobs' on southern plantations. Millions and millions of'em they did. They liked it in America so much they never wanted to go back to their homelands ever again, mostly because they were treated so kindly by their employers, who they lovingly called 'master'. But then, after about three hundred years in paradise, with the kind assistance of their 'masters', they learned to read, and write, and speak english. But that was not a good thing because they soon became political, where all of'em became Republicans who the Democrats hated like crazy. Soon, they were invited to join the white Republicans, and that didn't work out so well for either of'em. Soon, the white Democrats discovered that ropes worked real well to hang, or "lynch" people with, especially Republicans. And so they did, and occasionally, mostly by accident, 'some' Black people were lynched as well. And then later on, the Republican started lynching Democrats, just because they were Democrats, and again, and mostly by 'accident', 'some' Black people found themselves hanging from trees too. I know for certain though that almost all the Black people that were lynched was because they were "Republicans", and just as many white people were lynched by Black people, as Black people were by white people. So you 'see', Blacks and Whites were lynched “in nearly equal numbers”, so if you look at it through my own eyes, it's really 'a wash', you 'know', 'six of one, half a dozen of the other', that sort of thing.
Of course, I don't claim to be a 'historian' or know much about Americas history and stuff, or much of Anything for that matter, did a lot of sleeping in school and all, but I wouldn't be talking about 'lynching' if I didn't know a lot about it, you always talk the most about stuff you know about, and identify with the most, because as you can 'see', I'm pretty much 'up' on that part of stuff, and other stuff, and things.
Don'tcha just love being Republican, I sure do, and look how proud I am of it.'

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Colorado lawmaker Lori Saine celebrated MLK Day by making the ridiculous claim that blacks and whites were lynched “in nearly equal numbers” following Reconstruction. Speaking on the Colorado House floor on Monday, State Rep. Lori Saine made the claim that blacks and whites were lynched “in ne...

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