Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Nope, No "Emergency" Here

Trump, 'The Incompetent Man-Child playing President' on our dime, simply fancies himself to be omnipotent, and above the 'Law of The Land'. Our Constitution, to him, is just a 'suggestion' leaflet, with-in which he can cherry pick, bend, and re-write to his own merriment depending upon which egotistical rant he may be riding on at the time. His minions, the Republicans, knew what kind of fool this is when they chose him to be their 'Savior-In-Chief'. Now that they have lost all control of their loose cannon, they scratch one another's butts wondering 'oh my, what to do now?' They fear the unbridled 'dictator-like' power that he has, and no one dares to even look him in the eyes for fear of being consumed by his frightful, hateful, fiery.
Trump has now shown the terrible crack in our Constitution where it is obvious that he, as President, and any other to follow, has more power, than is healthy for our nation. Trump would love to be our 'Dictator-In-Chief' instead of simply, to him, that old tired handle, 'President'. There was a time, pre Trump, when a President actually respected our Constitution, the will of the people, the 'Law of The Land', and the fact that he/she actually works 'for' America, instead of against it all. Trump has no intention of doing any of this, and he is plainly progressing more and more into what he surely is, a dysfunctionally, inept 'leader' of The United States of America.
The only real "Emergency" facing our Nation right now is Trump himself, everything else that he has conjured up out of the recesses of his erroding, child-like mind, has only to do with his over inflated ego, and poor image of himself as a human. Trump does not a President make.

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There’s no escape clause in the Constitution that lets him defy Congress.

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