Monday, January 14, 2019

'White House Game of Thrones'

This is Trump, and his made for entertainment, 'White House Game of Thrones'.
On the one hand, he may not be actively 'working' for Russia, but everything he does, and says is of some benefit to that regime, intended or not. Yet, on the other hand, he seems hellbent on de-constructing our very own nation with his reckless, and unbridled contempt for our Constitution, and our Rule of Law. While he is busy praising, and defending our nations enemies, and at the same time condemning our democratic institutions, our elected officials, even those of his own political party, our Federal Law Enforcement Agencies, and private citizens alike, then the question must be asked, 'who's side is he really on'?
Americans 'hired' Trump to be the 'leader' of America, and as such he should be doing everything in his constitutional power to be the voice of America, he should be setting the 'adult' example of being 'presidential', and civil. He should be setting the tone for adult civility, and ethic responsibility. He should be operating an 'open' Government. "Open government is the governing doctrine which holds that citizens have the right to access the documents and proceedings of the government to allow for effective public oversight.[1] In its broadest construction it opposes reason of state and other considerations, which have tended to legitimize extensive state secrecy. The origins of open government arguments can be dated to the time of the European Enlightenment: to debates about the proper construction of a then nascent democratic society" (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Instead he operates a 'secretive, closed government' akin to a dictatorship in waiting.
He should not be wasting our 'dime' with his midnight, incessant, childish, crybaby tweeting, and schoolyard bullying antics in lieu of acting 'Presidential' in his 'leadership'.
He is 'employed' by all Americans whether they voted for him or not, he should be representing every single one of us, no matter who or what we may be, in all matter of state and worldly matters. We, are his employer, he works for US, not the other way around as he wrongly supposes. We are not, and should not act like, his kingdoms 'serfs' who should bow at his golden throne, and lick his filthy slippers in prostrate obiediance. In any other 'job' position, Trump would have been "fired" long ago for incompetency, and failure to perform. The Republican party, along with the Democrats, in all levels of our government should now collect their desicated gonads from the White House 'lost and found' department, and reel in this out of control buffoon, and find a Constitional way of ousting him from our White House, and our, to this point, unfortunate lives. Only then can our nation begin the long healing process from the wounds he has caused our nation through his obsessive incompetencey.

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Trump was responding to a report that the FBI started investigating whether he was working for Russia after he fired FBI Director Comey.

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