Saturday, January 19, 2019

'NAZIS', Not Cute

Oh, those silly, ignorant 'children' of America, well, actually, Minnesota, at the moment. How dare they sleep through History class, ahhh.. they do teach World 'History' there, right?
But, how very proud their parents must be of their cute little empty headed offspring, and the school system of the product of their 'teachings', or, maybe lack thereof. Does the spoiled, rotten, 'fruit' fall not far from the 'parent tree', I wonder? I'm 'sure', well, not really though, that these errant waifs have learned well their history lesson by now though. 'Children will be children', won't they.
I would suggest that the Minnesota school system hold a mandatory attendance, all students, as well as their parents, in the introduction of all things NAZIS of WWII. Including of course, photo, after photo, after photo, actual news reels, after news reel, ad nauseum, of the human genocide carried out in the Death Camps, the atrocities committed in village after village in the extermination of all living human beings therein by the NAZIS that right now they seem to know nothing about, or if they do, means nothing to their childish minds. Afterwards they all should be required to put in 'handwriting', in their own words, a five hundred word 'eye witness' account of the horrors they have just witnessed of just how 'cute' the NAZIS were not.

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The students gave a Nazi salute while holding a poster that said, “Sweethearts would be a Hit(ler) w/ you, and I could Nazi myself going w/ anyone else."

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