Thursday, January 17, 2019

Warren, The American Terrorist

Well, let's see now, “I wanted to go see exactly what the group was about, and what they were doing", yeah, it takes 'going there' and joining their 'man club' to, "see exactly what the group was about".
Right. That's 'one' way to find out. Becoming a MEMBER of ISIS, and becoming an AMERICAN TERRORIST, will certainly get you there for sure. Or, after watching "the videos", "the beheadings", you know, of innocent human beings, you 'could' have decided that ISIS, next to the NAZIS, is probably the worst example of human beings that could ever be found on planet earth, and right then and there, rejected such. But, no, instead, you rallied around their flag of death and destruction, vowed to serve their cause no matter the consequences, and to justify it you came up with what to your simple mind was an excuse worthy of Hitler himself, “Of course I saw the videos. I think with the beheadings, that’s execution. I’m from the United States, from Texas. They like to execute people, too. So I really don’t see any difference. They might do it off camera, but it’s the same.” To your simple childish mind it might 'look', "the same", but it's not by a long shot.
You, Warren Christopher Clark, "from Texas", have sold your soul to the devil, and there's no redemption for you. You claim that you never actually carried a weapon, and "never fought for ISIS", that, "I was born and raised in the United States and have always loved teaching others and learning from others as well. My work background is largely in English and I consider working at the University of Mosul to be a great way of continuing my career," that, "I wanted to learn more about the ideology. I'm a political science major, global business minor. I like politics. I like travel, world events. That's what I wanted to do,". Well, there, you went and became a full fledged AMERICAN TERRORIST. Now, you know exactly what it's all about. But you are not bothered one bit by it. Your 'body' may have now been 'captured', but you are still a TERRPORIST in your simple mind, and that will never change. You are a deadly danger to America, and will always be so. Even if you 'didn't' carry a weapon, you managed to make a 'weapon' out of yourself by joining ISIS, and acting at their foul, murderous, bidding. Just 'being there' was 'aiding and abetting the enemy'. By the way, Your "career" came to an end the minute you deserted America, and began assisting ISIS, who by the way this week murdered FOUR of OUR, not YOURS, American troops, in Syria. Probably done by some of your recent BFF-FWB's that you taught English to. You are a traitor, you deserve a traitors fate at the end of a firing squad. If there's a 'hell', there's a special place there reserved for your rotten, traitorous, soul. I wish you all the bad luck in this world, may you NEVER rest in peace!

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A Muslim convert, Warren Christopher Clark, who is being held in Kurdish…

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