Thursday, January 31, 2019

"Smarter" Than All His Generals

'Idiots! Fools! Ignorant moron amateurs! If I find out who hired these 'boy scouts' I will fire him, and them, so fast his empty head will spin like a cheap foreign made top! Is this what I pay them to tell me??
They know nothing about anything! Zero! Zilch! Nada! Have they even conferred with my 'forever pal', Vlad, about this? Well, obviously not! If they had they would 'know' that everything is just as it should be, and that if Vlad is not concerned, then why should I be concerned. I 'know' so much about everything there is to know about anything, that there's hardly any room left in my head to hold it all. I am a military genius! My business skills are un matched in the business world. "Intel" 'chiefs indeed! They all want to be a 'chief'! But I, and I alone, can fill that position! They work for me, I'm their boss, I 'rule' America, and the whole world, and they'll do as I tell them or they'll be looking for a new job tomorrow. What a bunch of losers! How do they sleep at night. Have they no shame? And the outright 'lies' that they tell, right in front of the whole world to see. Why can't they be more like me!? Why? No, really, why can't they?'

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President Donald Trump chastised his own intelligence officials Wednesday morning for being soft on Iran a day after they contradicted numerous administration claims of foreign policy success.

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