'WaaaaWaaaaaaaaWaaa! Everybody hates me, nobody loves me, I'm gonna go eat a worm. Am I crazy, or is it just me? I'm the bestest President I've ever, ever known. I really am. Just look at me, how can you not fall madly in like with me? I'm rich beyond belief, I can play a game of golf like a pro, I'm smarter than any person alive, there's nothing I don't know everything about, and I'm a total winner in everything I do, I even know stuff that's not even known yet. That's why I'm gonna have one big bang-up year. Huge! My numbers will sky rocket because of this very much needed 'Government Shutdown'. All of America wants this! Even the disgusting democrats that have actually caused it, secretly want it. Un-believable! This will be great for every American, and they will love me no matter how long it takes for me to destroy their jobs, and their life savings. They all understand that it's not about 'them', it's all about 'me, me, me, and me getting my bully-boy way no matter what it takes. So, it's gonna be a great year for everyone, and I want to wish a happy new year to "the haters, and fake news media". And I really 'mean' that. Really. I really, really, do. Why can't people be more like 'me'? I should make a law that makes people like me, and be like me, and then, maybe I'll like Them! Everything I do, I do to, errr, 'for' America, especially my corporate friends. So, happy New Year, or whatever. Whatever. Uh-oh, I think I have done #2 in my big boy pull-ups. Must call my wet-nurse to change me, and feed me 'lunch'. Saraaaaah...WaaaWaaaaa, why can't people love me the way I 'love' them!? Waaaa'. 
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