Sunday, January 13, 2019

'The History Re-Writer'

Well, of 'Course' Trump, 'The History Re-Writer', should be allowed to "correct", and apply his 'Presidential' eraser to this no doubt historical report. In fact, why stop there, why not allow him to simply shred the whole thing, along with Mueller, the DOJ, the FBI, the Secret Service, the media, and any and all of his supposed enemies of America? Then, in one swift midnight move, he could install himself as the actual 'Dictator of America' that he already fancies himself to be. This is what happens when a foolish, entitled, 'man-baby' is given unbridled power, and inserted into the position of the President of America. In the end, it was 'foolish' Americans that made it happen in the first place. So 'who' after all is the biggest fool. We should all be so very 'proud'.

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Rudy Giuliani says President Trump’s legal team should be allowed to “correct” special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report before Congress or the American people get the chance to read it.

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