Monday, January 14, 2019

No Job?, Be 'Happy'

"Huge share of government workers were going to take vacation days, say between Christmas and New Year's. And then we have a shutdown and so they can't go to work, and so then they have the vacation but they don't have to use their vacation days, And then they come back and then they get their back pay, then they're, in some sense they're better off,".
I mean, hey, who wants to loose their "vacation days" just because of this insignificant, 'shutdown'? Boy, I sure wouldn't! But of course if we have to subsidize them with federal assistance monies they'll have to re-pay those monies whenever, if ever, they start getting paid again. So you see, at some point every one 'benefits' from a 'shut down'. They get theirs, and then we get ours. Tough to beat a system like that, huh? But you know what? I'm sure each and every one of them are just as happy as can be, and support our President 100 per-cent. Most of them voted for Trump the first time, and I'm confident they'll do it again. People have short memories of stuff like this. They wont even remember it six months from now. After all, a 'wall' sure beats working for a living! Just ask a homeless person about that. No bills to pay, no rent to pay, why, it's the life of leisure! But you know what else? I wish I could share with them my sweet pay check, but I'm simply not allowed to do it. Honest. And besides, McDonalds is paying about thirteen bucks an hour now, part time. Wow! What a deal! I wish I could work there but I'm not allowed to hold a second job. Really.
Anyway, stop the whining, and be happy that someday you'll be able to use those vacation days. Maybe. Probably. Just 'trust' me folks, you're way better off now without that pesky pay check. Really.'

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