Thursday, January 17, 2019

Shooo! Go Away ISIS, Go Away!

'Shooo! Go away now, go on, get out of here ISIS, and your sorry, good for nothing Caliphate, and don't you ever come back. And I mean it! Move along now. Really.
There! Took care of that little irritant. Let this be a 'lesson' to all those other pesky terror groups that think they can get away with, you 'know', terrorist stuff.
So, with that litle insignificant bothersome task finished, and ISIS totally eliminated, we'll be packing up our war gear and heading on home. This has to be the safest place, next to Chicago, I've ever had the pleasure to visit. Whoup! Gotta run now, good luck folks!' :/

About this website
In an interview with NPR, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo expanded on remarks by President Trump, who declared the U.S. had "won against ISIS" and would pull troops from Syria.

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