Saturday, January 5, 2019

It's A "Strike" I Tell You, A "Strike"!

'WTH!? Is going on out there!?? I have just been informed by a reliable source at Fox news, of wonderful 'news' that it appears that a small group of Federal employees have decided on their own initiative to conduct some sort of "strike". It seems that they are headstrong about building my very own 'wall', and to show their support for me, they are willing to either work without pay, or simply not work at all for a long as it takes, "months, maybe years" until the Democrats cave-in to my hostage negotiations, and fork over the money for my wall. What a great bunch of mindless employees I have under my belt! Employees who are 'Willing' to go Into incredible debt, lose their homes, their cars, their every financial resource, just to show me how faithful they are to my every wants, and crybaby desires, no matter how much it costs them. I only wish that I could give up my own job, and paycheck, but I'm not allowed to do that. Sorry about that folks. Rules are rules. Stupid rules. Who needs them? I sure don't. I just make my own rules. I'm un-stoppable!
But this isn't about Me, is it? Of course not, it's about these wonderful, all giving federal workers, who are willing to give it all, just for me, me, me, me who has it all already.'

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The president also dropped three f-bombs and claimed Democrats wanted him impeached.

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