Sunday, January 27, 2019

"Undocumented Employees"??

'What!!!!? What the hell is going on down there!? I didn't know about this! I didn't! Really! Where'd those illegals come from? How'd they get here? They must have tunneled in from Honduras! I need a great big 'wall' around my golf course! Come on people, give me my 'wall'! Don't make me bang my very expensive, designer shoes on this podium! I demand that my Republican base, if there's any remaining with a penny in their pockets after this 'shut-down' by the democrats, pass the plate, and send that money to my 'castle' for my 'wall'. If you don't have any money, or credit left, just send your clean tin cans, your clean plastic, your bundled cardboard, your plastic, and glass bottles, straight to the White House where I'll re-cycle it for hard cash. Let's teach those democrats a lesson not soon forgotton! I want my 'wall'! WaaaaaWaaaaaaWaa! Pleasssseee?'
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Approximately a dozen undocumented employees at Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County, New York, were fired last week, as lawmakers -- including President Donald Trump -- were in the middle of a partial government shutdown over funding for a border wall, The Washington Post reported on Satu...

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