Thursday, January 31, 2019

Trading One, For The Other

This is total bullcrap, and I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that the Tobacco industry, which is hot to trot on becoming a major manufacturer of E-Cigarettes, as well as the E-Cigarette Industry itself, does not have a backdoor toe-hold agenda in this so-called 'study'! Addicted Tobacco users are simply 'trading' one addiction for another. Nothing changes but for the method of nicotine delivery. The UK was way too quick to disregard the actual addictive, and other dangerous chemical s associated with E-Cigs, and not too far into the future they will rue the day that they gave their stamp of approval. Here is America, wiser, and more scientifically minded officials are seeing that indeed it's simply trading one for the other, and little, if any at all, benefit for the users, of their new addiction. Stupidity runs rampant when financial gain agendas are afoot.

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The debate over the potential harms and benefits of vaping has raged on for years. But the results of a large trial in the UK have provided the pro-vaping side its biggest win yet. It found that people trying to quit smoking were almost twice as likely to succeed over a year’s time if they used el...

Don't They 'Know' Anything?

'Hey, what's with these guys!? Don't they 'know' anything about foreign policy? Have I taught them nothing?? Have they slept through all my security briefings? Look, remember when I was running for office? Remember those days? Sold a lot of 'snake oil' back then, huh? Remember when I said that I 'know' more than all my generals combined? Remember that one? Well, since then, I have learned ten times as much as my generals. My friends, and 'mentors' in Russia, China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, you know, those places that have the greatest dictators the world has ever seen, fill me in on world events almost every day. And they all tell me that they are looking out for America's best interests, and that I should just go golfing and let them take care of America's security. How could they all be 'wrong'? What are the chances? Come on people, we gotta 'trust' someone, right? You can 'trust' me on this. I only lie to you when "necessary".
Why do we even have these people? I don't need 'advisors'! I know what is best for America, and that 'best' is Me!
It seems to me, and according to my BFF Vlad, 'The Nation Builder', that every single one of my Intelligence Agencies don't know what they are talking about. Makes me wonder what their 'real' agendas are. Who are they working for here? Congress should start a really big investigation into every one of these lying agencies. This sounds like some sort of 'coup' in the making! Heads are going to roll folks! I'm gonna line all these traitors up against my 'wall', and fire all of them! You're fired! Find a real job!
And don't even 'think' about trying to get rid of me! I'm un-touchable, Invincible, above the law of the land, I can do no wrong, and do anything I please. Remember my 5th Ave quote? I 'rule' America, and if I say my generals are wrong, then that's the end of the story. Period. That's why I'm President, and they are not.'

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He wrote on Twitter that the Islamic State in Syria “will soon be destroyed."

"Smarter" Than All His Generals

'Idiots! Fools! Ignorant moron amateurs! If I find out who hired these 'boy scouts' I will fire him, and them, so fast his empty head will spin like a cheap foreign made top! Is this what I pay them to tell me??
They know nothing about anything! Zero! Zilch! Nada! Have they even conferred with my 'forever pal', Vlad, about this? Well, obviously not! If they had they would 'know' that everything is just as it should be, and that if Vlad is not concerned, then why should I be concerned. I 'know' so much about everything there is to know about anything, that there's hardly any room left in my head to hold it all. I am a military genius! My business skills are un matched in the business world. "Intel" 'chiefs indeed! They all want to be a 'chief'! But I, and I alone, can fill that position! They work for me, I'm their boss, I 'rule' America, and the whole world, and they'll do as I tell them or they'll be looking for a new job tomorrow. What a bunch of losers! How do they sleep at night. Have they no shame? And the outright 'lies' that they tell, right in front of the whole world to see. Why can't they be more like me!? Why? No, really, why can't they?'

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President Donald Trump chastised his own intelligence officials Wednesday morning for being soft on Iran a day after they contradicted numerous administration claims of foreign policy success.

"The city with no homeless on its streets"

Could American cities 'learn' anything from this?

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What can UK cities learn from Finland, where the number of rough sleepers…

Monday, January 28, 2019

'The Pot, Calling The Kettle Black'

Trump, 'The Incompetent', slamming Schultz, is like the proverbial 'pot, calling the kettle black'.
Still, the one thing America does Not need 'again', is a billionaire 'businessman' with absolutely no political experience, being the 'President' of our Nation. It has not worked out for Trump, it wont work out for Schultz, 'The Coffee Guy'. Stop the friggin' madness already!

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"I've become bored with President Trump and his tweets," Schultz said in an interview with "60 Minutes" on Sunday.

'Seperation os State and Church'

It is not the Taliban, or ISIS that America should fear the most. It is this slowly, creeping, 'foot in the door', 'religious', American, Talibanism scourge that is becoming our Nations worst internal 'enemy'. Trump, 'The 'Religious', has become the poster boy for the evangelical right that will do whatever it takes to finally dominate all aspects of our government, and make our system of government a Theocracy, all the way from Federal, on down to our local governments. Here, he is doing what he does best, pandering to the 'religious' right for 'votes'. Trump vowed to deconstruct America, and this is simply another avenue he is taking to do that.
"Bible literacy classes" have no logical place in our PUBLIC schools. If parents want their children to be taught about mythical, supernatural, invisable 'beings', in whatever 'religion' they believe in at the moment, then send them to a private evangelical school, and stay out of our public education systems. 'Seperation of State and Church', Period!

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President Trump on Monday embraced a proposal from lawmakers in six…

Sunday, January 27, 2019

"Undocumented Employees"??

'What!!!!? What the hell is going on down there!? I didn't know about this! I didn't! Really! Where'd those illegals come from? How'd they get here? They must have tunneled in from Honduras! I need a great big 'wall' around my golf course! Come on people, give me my 'wall'! Don't make me bang my very expensive, designer shoes on this podium! I demand that my Republican base, if there's any remaining with a penny in their pockets after this 'shut-down' by the democrats, pass the plate, and send that money to my 'castle' for my 'wall'. If you don't have any money, or credit left, just send your clean tin cans, your clean plastic, your bundled cardboard, your plastic, and glass bottles, straight to the White House where I'll re-cycle it for hard cash. Let's teach those democrats a lesson not soon forgotton! I want my 'wall'! WaaaaaWaaaaaaWaa! Pleasssseee?'
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Approximately a dozen undocumented employees at Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County, New York, were fired last week, as lawmakers -- including President Donald Trump -- were in the middle of a partial government shutdown over funding for a border wall, The Washington Post reported on Satu...

'ASHES', a poem by buddyblack

ASHES…….by Buddy Black, 2007

Ashes were falling
Like winter snow,
Yet people who saw it
Claimed not to know
That what they were seeing
Was human snow.
And the boxcars came
And the boxcars went,
Having disgorged the souls
The devil sent
To stoke his evil fires of hell.
Then thousands,
Then millions to come,
God only knows
The horrible sum.

And the bands played on
As the plan played out,
How could anyone person
Now have a doubt,
What this killing machine was all about.
Women and children
And babies all,
Young men, old men
Big and small.
Their screams and pleas
Fell on the devils mute ears.
And no cared to see their tears,
As The SS came in the middle of the night
To complete their deed
Before the break of light.
Time was more valuable
Than these wretched souls
Because the Final Solution
Was their driving goal.
They had no time
For hide n seek
Yelling and screaming
And killing the weak.
Individual men
With a common goal
Each man conspired
And each shared the role,
Of tormentor, of killer
Of human souls.
And the boxcars came
And empty they went
Having disgorged the souls
The devil sent.
Separated by gender
Young and old,
In line they waited
In the freezing cold,
While the SS stripped them
Of clothing and gold.
Dogs and whips
Forced the soon dead foreword
And they all knew by now
It was death they marched toward.
An SS doctor at the head of the line
Paid particular attention
To the sick and the dyin,’
And with the flick of a wrist
He sealed their doom
And sent them off
To the killing rooms.
Auschwitz, Belzec, Maidanek
And Treblinka, death camps,
work camps,
It mattered not which,
For their fate was sealed
As they faced their doom,
And were herded like sheep
Into the killing rooms.
By gas or by lead
It mattered not now,
They had no choice
As to when or to how,
It was simply a matter of time
They all would be dead.
This conspiracy of death
Passed down from the top
Like a snowball to hell
Near impossible to stop.
It soaked up the Jews
And the gypsies all,
The sick and the well,
The young and the old,
The big and the small.
Through the heat of the summers
And the biting stark cold
Mothers now knew
Their babes would never grow old.
And the boxcars came
And empty they went,
And soon the population
Was nearly all spent.
One million, Two million, Three million,
Four, Five million, Six million,
How many more!
The devil himself and all of his men
Could never put the world
Together again.
His bookkeepers and ledger men,
His SS and police,
Engineers and oilers,
And all who stood by
Then tried to think of a suitable lie,
Like ‘following orders was all that I did,
How was I to know
what the devil had bid’.
But the world and they all
Share this terrible guilt
For they each are a stitch
In this patch work quilt,
Woven with millions of human souls.
While ashes were falling
Like winter snow,
While ordinary men
killed ordinary people,
hoping the world would never know
that what they were seeing
was human snow.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

'Am I Really Just Crazy, Or What?'

'Am I really just crazy, or am I one great negotiator? I mean, check this out folks, I 'painted' those disgusting Dems right into a corner with my excellent hostage taking skills, and forced them to do my bidding. They have agreed, they knew they had no choice but to cave to my demands of re-opening the government so that 'my' Federal employees, who have backed me one hundred percent, can get back to work and try to repair the financial damage they incurred due to the gross stupidity of that 'other' party. How dare they treat 'my' employees this way!
So, I, being the generous, benevolent, and 'Presidential' person that we all know me to be, have given them three weeks to come up with the billions, and billions of tax dollars that I will need in order to build my wall that I promised my voters during the elections, which by the way I won by a landslide popular vote. Huge numbers! Unbelieveable! So, they have three weeks to cave in to my despotic demands or I will shut the government down again. And maybe even worse than that. I'm the 'Exalted Grande leader' of America, I can do that. Actually, I can do worse that that. I just happen to hold the 'Trump' card, and the Dems 'folded'. I have more power than god himself. I know how to work the Constitution in my favor, no other President has ever had the gonads to do what I do. That's what you call Power. I am un-touchable, and above the rule of law, just read the Constitution folks! It's all right there in black and white. I can do whatever I want to do to America! I am to be feared! That's why I'm President, that's why all Americans love and respect me, and will vote for me again. Honest, they really will.
Did I mention that if the Dems don't play ball this time by my playground, bullyboy, rules, that I have "a very powerful tool” that I can use? Oh yeah! The Constitution gives me the power to do anything I want to do to America in order to get my bully way. Ever heard of a "National Emergency"? Oh, you will! If they force me, I'll declare one, and throw this whole country upside down, inside out and everything in-between. If you thought this measely little government 'shut-down' was bad, just wait until I declare a "National Emergency"! You haven't seen nothing yet! I'm gonna get my wall, one way or the other, no matter what it takes, no matter how many Americans I have to hurt or destroy to get it done. Like I 'said', you haven't seen nothing yet. Period.'

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In a sudden change of course, President Trump on Friday announced an…

Friday, January 25, 2019

"Borrow Groceries", Get A Loan!

'My fellow Americans, I, as America's 'exalted' leader in all things American, am really proud of the millions of American workers who have stepped up, without even being asked, and have ' volunteered' to lose their jobs, paychecks, credit ratings, home mortages, car loans, self esteem, and of course food, in order to enable me to "build that wall". Remember, this is Not about Me, Me, Me, it's about, you, you, you, and as you can plainly see by now, all about You, my wonderful, subserviant serfs, who so 'willingly', without a single complaint, want my every childish wish to come true. How can I ever 're-pay' you?
Now, I 'know' that there's a few of you wonderful folks, who not wealthy and entitled like myself, who 'may' be feeling some small hunger pains right about now. A few lazy of you, who failed to save for future emergencies such as this, are probably wishing by now that you had. I, myself, always strive to put away at least ten million or so in cash in various bank accounts, just for un-forseen events such as this instant one. Hey, who could have ever guessed that this 'shut-down' would actually occurr? Not me, that's for sure. I was as 'surprised' as the next person. Really caught me off guard! Really. No lie.
But now that it's here, I have a few suggestions that will help all my Federal 'friends' get through these trying times.
“Local people know who they are, when they go for groceries and everything else,” “And I think...that they will work along. I know banks are working along.” My 'bankers' always 'worked' with me whenever I needed to borrow millions of dollors for a failing business deal. That's what they 'do'. That makes them happy to be your 'friend'. “And that’s what happens in times like this,” “They know the people, they’ve been dealing with them for years, and they work along.” I love banks! How could I ever survive without them. My failing 'empire' was built on the backs of 'banks'.
As for my Federal, out of work, 'employees', or 'serfs' as I like to call them, “I love them,” “I respect them. I really appreciate the great job they are doing. Many of those people that are not getting paid are totally in favor of what we’re doing. Because they know the future of this country depends on having a strong border. Especially a strong southern border.” A "Border wall" that's much more important to them than their jobs, finacial security, and their happy futures. I don't know who started this crazy 'shut-down' thing but as soon as I find out, I'll fire the hell out of him! Honest. Trust me here folks, trust me. I'd never lie to you unless I have to. Honest. But this isn't about 'Me', is it?
Here's some suggestions that will work like crazy to help those few people marginally affected by this 'surprising' event; Borrow food from your neighbors. Make soup out of old shoes, everyone has a few of those laying around, well, I don't of course, but that's just me. I hear that 'road kills', whatever that is, are high in nutrition. Go to your local food getting place, I think it's called 'grocery store' or something like that, never been in one myself, but that stuff comes from 'somewhere', right?, load up one of those thingies, you know, those things with those little wheels on it, and tell the owner that I said to "work" with you, and that you'll pay later on. Go to your local American bank, or a trusted Russian bank like I do, a money lender, loan shark, whatever, get a loan. That's what I always do. They love to give money away. Don't worry that you don't have a job or ruined credit rating, just tell them you 'know' me, and I said it's OK, and they'll "work" with you.
This will be over one of these days, another month maybe, or a year. We'll see. And then everything will be right back to 'happy days' just like it used to be, and you'll forget about this in no time flat, no matter how long it takes.
Thanks loads folks, I 'knew' you'd understand, and support me no matter how much it hurts you to please me. Really. Boy, I love making "America Great Again". What fun! Well, have a good time, I must run along, time for brunch, and then put my order in to my personal chef for dinner. Doing all this hard work for America makes me one hungry guy!'

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"Local people know who they are, when they go for groceries and everything else."

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

"Equel" Time For 'Lynchings'

'Hi, I'm Lori Saine, a top notch Republican 'Lawmaker' from the learned State of Colorodo, and I pretty much 'represent' these remarks.
 As all my constituents are aware of, especially now, I share a really large 'brain' with my alter ego, President Trump, who is also as incompetent as I, myself am.
Today is a very special day, to some people anyway, it's all about that Black guy Martin Luther King, you 'know', the one from the bible, but it doesn't matter one bit to me what color he was, because I'm really 'color blind'. I'm not sure what chapter he is in in the bible, but where ever it is he must have been really close to jesus for some reason. See, just like me, jesus liked Black people too.
But what I'd like to talk about happened right here in America, not in the bible, and not that long ago either. You see, there was a time in America, unlike today, where people just hated Republicans. Hated'em awful like! Terrible! And you know what? Well, I'll tell you what. Being a Republican back in those 'darky' days was dangerous business. Democrats hated them so much that they would 'tar and feather'em', run'em outta town on a rail, burn down their houses, and just kill them in general, mostly by lynching them from trees and stuff. And lots of them too!
At the same time this was going on, there were lots, and lots of Black people that had migrated to Americas shores from somewhere overseas. They came to America looking for good paying 'jobs' on southern plantations. Millions and millions of'em they did. They liked it in America so much they never wanted to go back to their homelands ever again, mostly because they were treated so kindly by their employers, who they lovingly called 'master'. But then, after about three hundred years in paradise, with the kind assistance of their 'masters', they learned to read, and write, and speak english. But that was not a good thing because they soon became political, where all of'em became Republicans who the Democrats hated like crazy. Soon, they were invited to join the white Republicans, and that didn't work out so well for either of'em. Soon, the white Democrats discovered that ropes worked real well to hang, or "lynch" people with, especially Republicans. And so they did, and occasionally, mostly by accident, 'some' Black people were lynched as well. And then later on, the Republican started lynching Democrats, just because they were Democrats, and again, and mostly by 'accident', 'some' Black people found themselves hanging from trees too. I know for certain though that almost all the Black people that were lynched was because they were "Republicans", and just as many white people were lynched by Black people, as Black people were by white people. So you 'see', Blacks and Whites were lynched “in nearly equal numbers”, so if you look at it through my own eyes, it's really 'a wash', you 'know', 'six of one, half a dozen of the other', that sort of thing.
Of course, I don't claim to be a 'historian' or know much about Americas history and stuff, or much of Anything for that matter, did a lot of sleeping in school and all, but I wouldn't be talking about 'lynching' if I didn't know a lot about it, you always talk the most about stuff you know about, and identify with the most, because as you can 'see', I'm pretty much 'up' on that part of stuff, and other stuff, and things.
Don'tcha just love being Republican, I sure do, and look how proud I am of it.'

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Colorado lawmaker Lori Saine celebrated MLK Day by making the ridiculous claim that blacks and whites were lynched “in nearly equal numbers” following Reconstruction. Speaking on the Colorado House floor on Monday, State Rep. Lori Saine made the claim that blacks and whites were lynched “in ne...

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Ooooo...The "Black Muslims" Made Him Do It

'OMG!!' Did you see that!!!? Did you see that?? My poor innocent little boy was just standing there minding his own personal business, bothering no one in this whole wide world, just watching some sort of illegal immigrant playing some sort of satanical music on a human skinned drum, when all of a sudden, and much to his terrified surprise, a hoard of "Black Muslims" surrounded him! They were yelling racial profanities right in his sweet, childish white face, my little angel was terrified, scared, trembling in his designer sneakers! And then, as if he wasn't afraid enough for his life, that horrible immigrant walked right up to his cherubic face and began chanting evil incantations, and beating out evil spirit noise on that horrible drum. My little boy was traumatized, and in complete shock at being attacked by that brown skinned illegal immigrant, and those terroristic Black Muslims who had no regard at all for the safety, comfort, well being, civil rights, and white entitlement of my loving child, and all he could think about was to smile, and not show fear.
Why can't these terrible people be deported back to where ever they immigrated from? How can this sort of incivility happen to innocent Americans right out there in public!? Isn't there laws that can prevent this sort of evil from occurring? Why can't they just become white like us!? What has happened to America, the home of the brave, the land of the free? Is no one safe from these street hooligans who have no regard for a persons civil rights to be left alone, and live in peace?? Have they learned nothing from their parents, or taught nothing in school?? My poor son will suffer nightmares from this dangerous encounter with street bullies for as long as he lives, and I'm sure he will require the services of a 'wet-nurse' to help him sleep at night! But I know that our god, and savior, President Trump will soon deport these hoards of illegals, and make laws to protect white Americans, and "make America great again" for all white Americans'.

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Parent claims musician ‘drummed in his face’ while ‘black Muslims yelled profanities’

Saturday, January 19, 2019

'NAZIS', Not Cute

Oh, those silly, ignorant 'children' of America, well, actually, Minnesota, at the moment. How dare they sleep through History class, ahhh.. they do teach World 'History' there, right?
But, how very proud their parents must be of their cute little empty headed offspring, and the school system of the product of their 'teachings', or, maybe lack thereof. Does the spoiled, rotten, 'fruit' fall not far from the 'parent tree', I wonder? I'm 'sure', well, not really though, that these errant waifs have learned well their history lesson by now though. 'Children will be children', won't they.
I would suggest that the Minnesota school system hold a mandatory attendance, all students, as well as their parents, in the introduction of all things NAZIS of WWII. Including of course, photo, after photo, after photo, actual news reels, after news reel, ad nauseum, of the human genocide carried out in the Death Camps, the atrocities committed in village after village in the extermination of all living human beings therein by the NAZIS that right now they seem to know nothing about, or if they do, means nothing to their childish minds. Afterwards they all should be required to put in 'handwriting', in their own words, a five hundred word 'eye witness' account of the horrors they have just witnessed of just how 'cute' the NAZIS were not.

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The students gave a Nazi salute while holding a poster that said, “Sweethearts would be a Hit(ler) w/ you, and I could Nazi myself going w/ anyone else."

Friday, January 18, 2019

Nancy Pelosi, Shut Up!

Nancy Pelosi, Shut Up, Zip It, Be Quiet, Leave It!!!
You should be above bantering ignorant gibberish with Trump, 'The Incompetent'!
At this early stage, you cannot win a 'tit-for-tat' with Trump. You will only fall into his 'trap' of insanity in your attempts at proving you are less insane than he. We all know what he is about. Let him be his own worst enemy or you will be at the top of his political, and personal 'hit list', and it will be an uphill battle from then on. If you give him 'ammunition' for personal and political 'attacks', don't be surprised when he uses that ammo, twofold, right back at you! 'Tit-for-tat' is Not the way to defeat this buffoon.
In the first place, even as intelligent as you are, you are a terrible orator, second only to Trump Himself. Either learn the art of intelligent, and thoughtful 'orating', or fall back on written notes, or, let someone else 'speak' in your stead.
BE the 'LEADER' that you have been chosen for and work quietly and professionally to accomplish the goals of the Democratic Party and for all Americans in general. Going 'toe-to-toe' with Trump will simply give you sore toes. Let Him be the 'man-baby' he has proven to be, do Not become the 'woman-baby' he will try to make of you.
Do your homework with FACTUAL information in order to counter his stupidity and 'fake news' blurts. Personal, verbal attacks, as great as the urge is to do so, against him will not work in your favor. Unfortunately, he is the 'master' of innuendos, conspiracy theories, personal attacks, character assassinations, and "fake news". let Him be that, and stay out of that wrestling match that will only damage you, and make you look as ignorant, and buffoonish as he, himself surely is.
In the meantime, reread sentence number one above.

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The longest government shutdown in history just reached the throwing-the-toys-out-of-the-stroller stage.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Shooo! Go Away ISIS, Go Away!

'Shooo! Go away now, go on, get out of here ISIS, and your sorry, good for nothing Caliphate, and don't you ever come back. And I mean it! Move along now. Really.
There! Took care of that little irritant. Let this be a 'lesson' to all those other pesky terror groups that think they can get away with, you 'know', terrorist stuff.
So, with that litle insignificant bothersome task finished, and ISIS totally eliminated, we'll be packing up our war gear and heading on home. This has to be the safest place, next to Chicago, I've ever had the pleasure to visit. Whoup! Gotta run now, good luck folks!' :/

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In an interview with NPR, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo expanded on remarks by President Trump, who declared the U.S. had "won against ISIS" and would pull troops from Syria.