Friday, May 12, 2017

'You Still Ain't Seen Nothing yet'

'WaaaaaWaaaaWaaa! It's my 'ballgame' and if you don't play by My 'rules', I'll just take my ball and go home! So there, you meanie-weenies! And, if anyone Ever wants to see another "press briefing", then all you disgusting reporters had better start giving me good 'press'! From now on, if a reporter wants to write anything about me he will have to sign a 'loyalty pledge' swearing that he will alwa...ys support me no matter how stupid I become, or already am. And when my bunk-pal Stevie can't tuck me in at night, you better be there! You can just forget about that arcane 'Freedom of The Press' crap! This is 'My' America, I make the 'rules' here, I'm the boss, and everyone will do exactly as I dictate. I am totally 'above the law', 'conflicts of interest' do not apply to me or my family. I am the 'Supreme Ruler' of America! This is the way it's done in the 'business' world, and let there be no doubt about it folks, I'm running America just like I would any of my businesses. If you don't like it, then "you're fired"! Just like that FBI slacker! He's fired bigly! Find someplace else to live or I'll have you deported back to wherever your sorry immigrant ancestors came from! Outta here! He'll Never work again! And by the way mister 'fired guy', if you 'know' what's good for you, you better keep your yap shut. And I mean Shut! I'm watching you. And, you better 'believe' that anything we ever talked about has been 'secretly' recorded, so remember that, just in case you think about answering any questions, and "leaking" lies about me and the 'Ruskies', if you 'know' what I 'mean', and I'm sure you Do. Did I mention that I won the Electoral vote by a huge landslide? Bigly! Biggest numbers Ever! Millions! She didn't stand a snowballs chance in hades! Did you see those crybaby tears when she found out she lost!? Disgusting woman! I'm the only person in America that has what it takes to be President of America! That's why I'm President, and she's not! I'll be President 'forever', and then my Son's and daughters will be President. No one can get rid of me! Republicans voted for me to "deconstruct" America because they were tired of the 'old' ways. Well, This is the 'new' way folks, get used to it, say goodbye to the America you used to know, just like I said 'goodbye', and good riddance to that "showboating", good for nothing Comey, or whatever his name was. It's My America now, I bought it, and paid for it with my Own tax free money! One last thing, 'Comey, Shut up! Don't you dare leak the 'truth' about me! Remember, ex-FBI slacker, 'revenge is a dessert best served cold'. My lawyers are already working up a case against you, you won't stand a chance against me. I'm a Billionaire! I have more power than God! Even God fears me! I'm watching you Comey. I can see you from here. I can hear you crying.' "You ain't seen nothing yet", America!' :/

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