Friday, May 26, 2017

It's Just "A State Of Mind"'

It's Just "A State Of Mind"'

'Oh hi folks. You 'might' remember me from last year when I was begging quietly to be your President. No? Really?? Oh. Here, maybe if I tell you my name...maybe that would help? Ben..Ben Carson, you 'know', Ben, The Brain Surgeon guy. Remember how that silly 'reporter' 'BuddyBlack' from that crazy 'news' station, 'BBSN' compared me to that 'Mr.Rogers' guy from that TV show? And I said, 'how could That be, Mr. Rogers is a 'white' guy. My own brain is so big and smart, it actually slows me down. Remember how quiet and unasumming I was, and how softly I would speak so's you had to get real close to your TV, and turn the volume way up. Boy, did we have a lot of fun! Some of you actually voted for me, or at least you 'would' have if those other people would have dropped out before I saw the light. Boy, I sure said some mean stuff about those folks, huh? Even a few crazy things about my now BFF, His Majesty Trump, who turned right around and hired me to do stuff for him even though I don't, and never will, have the first clue about what I'm doing, or am 'supposed' to do around here. What a crazy world we live in.
Did you know that I'm really wealthy? Wanna know why? Ok, I'll tell you why. You might have to come in real close to your screen because I type real slow and softly. Have you ever heard the word 'Poverty'? Yeah, me neither until just recently. I've never even 'thought' of that word, let alone 'said' it! Who Does? When you're wealthy like Me, and have your own private retirement $$$, and health insurance, nice cars, lots of snappy places to live, plenty of food, and stuff like that, why would you even 'think' about that word. See, that's the biggest 'problem' Americans have. I've seen it with my own eyes, but of course I didn't actually 'know' what I was seeing until I fell into this cozy armchair job of mine, oh, and by the way, thanks to my BFF-FWB. What a swell guy he is even after all the really mean things I 'may' have 'thought' about him.
But hey, lets get back on track here and talk about that biggest 'problem' Americans, excluding myself of course, have. Did you know that lots of folks don't have money and wealth, and houses, and food, like I, myself, have? That's right! Boy was I ever 'surprised'! I actually had an epiphany, yes that's a really big word, one day while relaxing by one of my pools, and wondering if I could afford to hire a personal chauffer. And in a moment of 'brain fudd', I thought, 'can I afford one'? And right then it struck me right up side my perfectly formed noggin, 'That's what it's like to live in 'poverty', you know, when you can't afford to have something, like a chauffer, or something, which I, myself, can certainly afford, but I was just wondering in the sun there. But then I wondered with my exceptionally brilliant brain,' why are people afflicted with this debliatating disease in the first place?' From my elevated station in life, I could see absolutly no 'physical' reason for their plight. Try as my superior intellect could, I could see 'nothing' that could cause this horrible disease that now, in my newfound enlightenment, could possibly be attributed to. And then, another 'eye popper' brought me to the realization that this 'poverty' illness must spring from with-in. Yes. From the 'mind'! Poverty is "a state of mind"! This concept is earth shattering! I'm actually humbled, and not a little 'dumb' founded at the thought. Imagine that! If one 'thinks' about "poverty", then one will become that very thing! The 'mind' can be a terrible thing to waste. And you know what boys and girls, of all the things I've 'lost', I miss my 'mind' the most.' ;)

Open mouth - insert foot: Trump’s Housing Secretary Ben Carson insults the intelligence by claiming poverty is “a state of mind.”

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