Saturday, May 6, 2017

'He's A hugely 'History' buff'

'Oh, I'm a hugely fan of history stuff. Big, really big. I remember one time when I was sitting in my private office in my private grade school, and my personal servent said to me, ' Sir, one of these days, all this will be 'history'. And you know, she was right! Not ony that, but she was hot! Great 'model' for my private 'art' class. That's what I really like about 'history', it's all in the pas...t. Along time ago. You know, stuff that probably, or maybe not, happened a long time ago. Now, I'm not saying that stuff actually 'did' happen in the past, but maybe it did. I don't know, It's possible. But what's with that? Makes you wonder though. What really happened a long time ago. Just sayin'.
But boy do I love history! One of these days I'll look back, and the history books will be stuffed full of 'history' about me! My publishing company will write lots, and lots of wonderfully great things about me. Stuff like how, at Stevie's able directions, I was successful in dismantling America by destroying everything that Americans loved about it. How I was able to singlehandidly foul up the environement by killing the EPA. How I wiped out that arcane rule about 'Seperation of State and Church' which allowed religious fanatics, and white nationalists to finally control the Government. How I screwed up health care for millions of Americans. How I slipped under the sheets with the fanatical NRA and gave birth to a Nation of gun slingers who were finally able to protect themselves, and each other from themselves, and from one another by shooting first, and being excused for it later, even allowing the mentally ill to buy and carry killing machines. Ohhh, those 'history' books will be overflowing with my Presidential deeds! The whole world will remember me as the greatest 'groper' President, the grandest 'thinker', the biggest liar, the guy who invented "Alternative Facts", the best negotiator, the best quasi dictator, the guy who won the election by a landslide of Electorial votes. The United States will 'never' get over me, and the 'wonderful' unforgettable things I did 'for' America. Unforgettable! Stupendous! All by my orange self. well, actually, I could not have done it without my 'bunkmate' Stevie who was there at all hours of the night for me when I needed 'anything'. ;) ;) What a great guy! Don't worry man-bro, you'll be mentioned a lot as well. You 'deserve' more. Hey, I'm thinking about starting a TV 'reality' show, 'History Is Me'. Great show! Great guy! Gotta love that guy! But hey, enough about 'me', how about that wonderful 'Healthcare' Act I passed for my rich friends! And how about that cool Tax thing I passed! Did I mention that Australia has a better Healthcare system that we do. Well, that's all for now, but don't worry folks, "you ain't seen nothing yet"!

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