Friday, May 12, 2017

'And The "Distinction" Is...'

 Well Ricky, there is Certainly a "distinction between" Republicans "and just being a human being", as you have so soundly proven. I'm sure you are simply apeing your 'heavenly leader', as well as your Puppeteer Trump when you say stupid things. You no doubt subscribe to a bible of some sort, and feel that you can 'transcribe' anything said within to suit your own silly homophobic agendas but that will not get you to your 'heaven' full of virgin what-evers, contrary to your misguided thoughts. You must now retire to your special 'closet', there to fantisize about the things you 'fear', but love the most, being careful to not rattle the skeletons with-in, oh Wait, you already Did that.

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