Monday, May 1, 2017

'Trumps Little Hero'

'Trumps Little Hero'

"They have neither the intelligence, the industry, the moral habits, nor the desire of improvement which are essential to any favorable change in their condition. Established in the midst of another and a superior race, and without appreciating the causes of their inferiority or seeking to control them, they must necessarily yield to the force of circumstances and ere long disappear". —Pres. Andrew Jackson’s Annual Message to Congress, 1833 (excerpt)
So y...ou see folks, that's why this great guy has always been my personal 'hero'. He and I were cut of the same 'cloth'! He 'knew' how to deal with people who stood in the way of 'progress'. He 'really' knew the fine art of 'negotiations'! Just like Me! In fact, I model myself after a lot of the things he did 'for' America. "That's why I'm President, and you're not"! Of course, 'he' was a Slave Owner who bought and sold human beings, getting very wealthy from it in the process. Of course I'm not allowed to 'own' humans, no matter where they come from. I do have a lot of Mexicans that 'work' for me, but they're not really Slaves because I pay them a minimum wage. Great people. Hard workers. I have lot's of 'Black' friends. They love me bigly. Did you see how they all came out and voted for me? Wonderful people. Great voters.
But anyway, Andy is my personal hero. Without his able assistance we would not have been able to steal America from her Native peoples. Try and imagine what it would be like if they still 'owned' America! Disgusting! Imagine all those 'casinos'!
If only he could have been around to be President just before the Civil War instead of Lincoln! He would have figured a way to stop it from happening in the first place. Great negotiator! Probably would have let the north have more cotton for their mills. Smart guy, just like me.
But hey, this isn't about cotton, or Slaves, it's about a guy who knew what was 'best' for America, even though it wasn't actually 'America' yet, but he could read the future, and he knew we'd need all that land so that someday I'd come along and trash it by getting rid of that horrible EPA outfit. Sad agency! Horrible. But great people, I might help those thousands of fired workers find a job flipping burgers, maybe in China.
So, how about a great big Republican shout-out for our former Slave owning, and greatest ever, except for me, President Andy Jackson! My Hero, I'm just like him.' :/ :/

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President Trump during an interview that airs Monday questioned why the country had a Civil War and suggested former President Andrew Jackson could have prevented it had he served later.

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