Monday, May 22, 2017

'Break Out The Ropes Boys'

'Break Out The Ropes Boys'

'Yeah, that's right America, "lynch" those fellow Americans, just like in the old days of yor, you 'know', the way we used to "lynch" those uppity Slaves that got out of hand, and then during the 50's and 60's when their descendants dared to fight for their 'freedoms' to be on the same level as us 'lilly whiters', we lynched'em again!
"The destruction of these scared monuments, erected in the loving memory of our family and fellow Southern America...ns, is both heinous and horrific," "If the, and I use this term extremely loosely, 'leadership' of Louisiana wishes to, in a Nazi-ish fashion, burn books or destroy historical monuments of OUR HISTORY, they should be LYNCHED!"
How dare these 'traitors' even 'think' of tearing down our wonderful statue that shower praise on our heroes who tried to destroy America. How dare they rip from our hearts our blessed southern 'heritage' "history" that 'all' God fearing, ignorant southerners relate to. These 'heroes' simply answered their call to duty when those despicable yankees invaded our homeland trying to steal our Slaves away from us, and destroy our southern 'way' of life. 'Sure', you might say that these men defected from their country, turned their backs on the American Union, took up arms against the American Government, and were the cause of millions of un-needed deaths and misery all across America, but hey, they did it for a 'good' cause called 'States Rights'. You 'know', our 'states rights' to Enslave, and Own Human Beings just like they were farm animals, just as we had done for nearly 300 years. Yes, these are our southern 'heroes' that all good southerners hold near and dear to our hearts. Sure, they might be called 'traitors' but we're able to look past that little glitch, and build great big monuments to those traitors, and I say to anyone who dares defile their memories, "they should be LYNCHED!"

 I'm Mississippi State Rep. Karl Oliver, I'm a learned 'lawmaker', I'm 'lilly white', (althought I have Not had a DNA test to 'prove' it) and I approve this 'good ol' southern boy' message. Oh, and remember boys, ya gotta have Thirteen knots in that noose for a proper lynching.' ;) ;)

See More
A Mississippi Republican lawmaker who called for the lynching of politicians who approve of the removal of Confederate monuments needs to "quickly clear up his…|By Eugene Scott

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