Wednesday, May 24, 2017

'Boys, We're Sinking!'

'Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Attention, Attention! The 'Good Ship TrumpityPop' has rammed a 'political burg' and it appears that we are sinking! 'Captain' Trump has issued the following orders; Engine room, full speed ahead! Boatboy, Lower the 'Captains' 'Life Yacht'. Upon the 'Captain', and his lawyers departure, jettison the 'businessman class' life rafts, then toss the 'Politician Vests' overboard. Vlad, call your special BFF right away, you 'know', at his 'special' It's every man, woman, and child for themselves! Steve Bannon, report to the bilge to prepair the scuttling charges, remember, your job is to go down with the ship, no one can do it as well as you. We must not allow those Russian hating, anti-communist Democrats to take control of the 'ship', they'll run it aground for sure!! Kelly Ann, report to the 'business' level latrines, continue to keep those things in good flushing order, you've always done a great 'job' there, we're counting on you! Remember, Survivors must pay for their Own lawyers, keep in mind that, 'Loose lips sink ships', 'Plead the 5th', 'If they don't have audio or video, it didn't happen', 'blame the other guy, you 'know', Obama', 'check yourselves in to a 'rehab' facility', above all else, 'admit' nothing!
Clang! Clang! Clang! The 'Captain' has left the ship, carry on as 'ordered'.' ;)

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Trading up to a New York lawyer from his Kremlin handlers, President Donald Trump hired criminal defense attorney Marc Kasowitz as his personal lawyer for the investigation into any role he or his campaign aides may have had with Russia’s…

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