Monday, May 8, 2017

'Listen To My Voice'

'Attention! Attention! This is your 'Master Puppetteer' calling all FDA employees, please pay close attention to my incredibly monotone voice calling all FDA employees, now listen closely to the following 'directive'; From this very moment on, or at least until those disgusting Democrats 'own' America again, which I predict will be Never, all telivisions, and monitors, located in any, and all, FDA facilities, will be tuned to my favored "Alternative Facts" 'news' station, the Fox 'News' channel. This very important change in direction of 'news' source is necessary so that your brains, like my own, can be re-programmed to a more docile, obediant, do as I say, way of 'thinking'. Remember that you voted for me to 'think' 'for' you, so you will now stop 'thinking' on your own, and Fox 'news' will take over that function for you. Need I remind you that Democracy stops at the door with the sign; 'All ye who enter here, loose all hope of 'free' thought'.
As you know, I am busy re-writting America's broken Constitution, and even busier deconstructing America as you have known it. Please continue to be compliant, obediant, and submissive to my every directive. Remember, I have been sent here by God himself to save you from yourselves. Only I, and I alone, with directions from my bunkie pal Stevie, can 'save' America from the Obama Democrats. Pay attention to my voice....listen to my lawful commands..listen to my voice.....I will always tell you the 'truth', as I 'know' it, you will believe everything I say, no matter which 'scientist' refutes it, listen to my are getting sleepy...your eyes are becoming are relaxing your hold on your common think only of me, your great Commander-In-Chief, 'leader' of the 'free' world, which soon will not include America, you will never, no more, think for yourselves...I am your 'thinking' will praise my will build shrines to honor my greatness...when you hear the 'tweet' you will open your rested eyes, you will be wide 'awake' and remember only that I am your master, you are my puppets, and that you are happy, obediant employees that believe all you see and hear on Fox 'news'..... .'

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