Friday, May 12, 2017

'No Bannon, no Trump!'

ANYTHING, ANY statement, from ANYONE, that comes from the White House should be taken with extreme skepticism. Trump has proven time and again that he is a serial liar, an enept 'leader', and unfit to be our President, our Commander-In-Chief, leader of the Free World. He has constructed his own personal "swamp" filled with dysfunctional copies of his egotistical self, who will, like their puppeteer, stop at nothing to "deconstruct" America. Trumps 'master', Steve Bannon, should be scrutinised under a powerful 'microscope' for his involvement in Anything Trump has a hand in. Bannon has somehow escaped in-depth investigation by Everyone, as if magically he is the 'only' squeaky clean "swamp" monster in the whole Trump administration. Hardly! The question is; why has everyone skirted around Bannon, why is the media, and the Democrats, seemingly reluctant, or afraid to step on his toes, to expose skeletons that surely rattle around in his closet? He controls Trump, without Bannon, there's no Trump. Bannon has promised to "deconstruct" America, and he needs Trump as his 'vehicle' to accomplish that feat. Trump does not have the mental capacity to make command decisions, he depends on Bannon to 'guide' him. No Bannon, no Trump!

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