Monday, May 8, 2017

'What!? 'Read It??'

Hmmm....they seem much to 'busy' saving, and 'making America great again' to be bothered with actually 'reading' bills, that may be full of things that are grossly detrimental to the wellfare of Americans. Instead, they 'rely' on 'others' to 'read', and 'think' for them so that they can make 'sound' decisions based on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, ad nausium, interpretations of 'staff', who may or may n...ot do so intellegently or who may have their 'own' agendas. Is it any wonder why these 'learned' politicians sign off on bills, and laws, that leave folks with actual common sense retching in the street? They should pass a 'law' that before they are allowed to sign off on a 'bill' that they should be given a written, and oral test to determine if they actually 'understand' the bill as written, and its intended purpose, and possible results. Imagine that!

News Feed

Republicans didn’t bother to read their own health care bill before passing it

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