Wednesday, May 10, 2017

You Better Be 'Good' Folks!

'Hi folks. This is Rep. Mo Brooks, one of President Trumps most reverent Republican puppet minions, and I approve this commercial. I just wanted to let all America, and the whole World know that I, myself, was born with a "pre Existing" condition. I was born with a brain that makes my mouth say really dumbassed stuff. There's absolutely no cure for it, and it seems the longer I'm a dumbass politic...ian, and the older I get, the dumber I become. It makes me wonder, which came first, dumbassed politician, or dumbassed brain. But hey, just like my 'puppeteer, that's just me! I'm glad I'm a rich dumbass politician and have my own private health insurance that covers dumbasses, or else I'd be in deep dumbass poop if I had to depend on this dumbass 'Trump-Care'. Opps, there goes my dumbass brain, working my dumbass mouth. That's why I'm a dumbass Republican and you're not.'

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