Tuesday, May 30, 2017

'The Only Thing We Have To 'Fear'...'

'Hello out there my fellow Trump lovin' brethern! How about a big shout-out for our snappy, not even 'nearly' 'IslamaPhobic' billboard! Man, is that a 'good' one or what!? I bet there's not another one like this in the whole state of North Carolina! I bet we are the envy of everyone who wish they had thought of it first. And before you even 'begin' to accuse us frothing at the mouth 'Christians' of being 'anti-Muslim' let us be perfectly 'clear' that as long as they 'convert' to 'Our' religion, we'll love'em to death. So, who say's radical evangelicals ain't 'benevolent'? Convert, you heathens, you un-christian, Jesus hating, terrorist loving Muslims, repent and convert to humanity loving, sin forgiving, benevolent, friendly, tolerant of all things, Christianity! Or stay the hell out of our state and country, and burn in hades forever, and ever, Amen!
Just imagine, "19 Muslim Immigrants", killing 2977 Americans, oh....well, including about 35 'innocent' Muslims that just 'happened', by 'chance', to be in the building at the time. Hmmm...why 'were' they in those buildings in the first place? As we all 'know', 'remnants' of 'backpacks' were found in the ruins. Seems a bit coincidental..makes you 'wonder' though, doesn't it? Maybe there were 'More' than 19 bad guys..just sayin'..
So, that's a lot of innocent Americans to be killed by foreign terrorists. That's why we need 'laws'. This incident 'proves' beyond a doubt that President Trump's, who by the way was sent here by Jesus himself to 'save' America, 'Immigration Ban' is 'exactly' what America needs to 'fully protect' us from these crazed killers of Americans.
Oh sure, there's people, mostly crybaby Democrats or 'snowflakes' as we like to call them, that will tell you, if you even bother to listen, which we 'men of the cloth' discourage, that America has a much bigger problem than a few Muslim Terrorists killing a few Americans. Problems such as;
According to the U.S. State Department, the number of U.S. citizens killed overseas as a result of incidents of terrorism from 2001 to 2013 was 350.
In addition, between 2001 and 2013, there were 3,030 people killed in domestic acts of terrorism.*(on American soil) This brings the total to 3,380, killed by these out of control, fanatical religious Americans. Hmmm...yeah, it looks like American 'Domestic' terrorists sorta kill more Americans than those pesky Muslims do. Rats!!
Also, it looks like regular 'Americans' are killing regular 'Americans' by the droves; According to CDC since 2001, you know, the year of the 'Towers' attack that killed 2,977 Americans, there have been over 406,496 (that's THOUSANDS folks, THOUSANDS) Americans killed by Other Americans, by Firearms IN America. This does not count homicides by all other means. Yep, nearly Half a Million Americans killed by their fellow Americans, on American soil just by firearms alone. Not those pesky, reviled, running amok, Muslim Terrorists, but simply 'regular Americans' with Firearms, not 'airplanes', just Firearms, murdering other Americans. Bang! Bang! Bang! You're dead. Rats!!!
Where did all those sneaky 'Muslim terrorists' go that were hiding behind every tree like Trump said?? American's are killing Americans? Right here? In America!? Rats!!
Looks like we need another 'billboard' folks! We gotta 'ban' Americans from crossing our borders! More Airport 'security'! Gotta build a 'wall' all the way around America, especially around North Carolina, especially around our God fearing, bible thumping selves!! Gott keep those murdering, killing, awful gun loving, trigger happy Americans from getting in and killing us all! Rascals! Looks like the only thing we have to 'fear', is 'ourselves'.  Well, back to the 'drawingboard' boys.' :/
One church group in North Carolina isn’t mincing words about why they believe President Donald J. Trump's travel ban is needed:

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