'Ice Berg? Ice Berg??? What 'Ice Berg'!? "Full Steam ahead" engine room! Damn the ice bergs, damn the torpedoes, damn the Constitution, damn the environment, damn the "fake" 'so-called' Russian debacle, damn the subpoena's, damn the economy, damn the truth, damn common sense, damn the 'fake news' reporters, damn the health care that Americans don't need, damn the American people, damn the 'right' thing to do, damn it all boys....just Damn it All!!!! Stoke the engines with "Alternative Facts", and "Alternative" truths boys, "full steam ahead", business as usual, deflect questions, parry the 'truth' with lies, our 'learned' 'leader' is back in town, it's business as usual, "full steam ahead"!' :/ :/
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
A 'Radical' By Any Other Name...
These are the same radical 'religious' fanatics that are 'saddened' because someone else beat them to the deplorable act of bombing innocent humans. These are the same people, with the same mentality as ISIS, that are scheming to control our schools, our government, and ultimately, our very lives. For those who do not 'believe' as they believe, or do as they 'dictate', there will be 'hell' to pay. 'Separation of State and Church' exists for a very good reason. A 'Radical' by any other 'name' is still a 'Radical'. :/
What 'Excuse'?
He will quickly use an 'excuse' such as, 'the reason I did this is because we did not 'trust'' our own Intelligence Agencies, and that we were being 'bugged' at Trump Tower by Obama, and we knew the Russians could absolutely be trusted'.
Of course that lame excuse is full of holes in the first place. What 'secret squirrel' things did he plan on sharing with the Ruskies that would have to be hidden... from our own I.A's.? It is impossible to imagine that Trump would have known nothing of Kushner's activities. Nothing happens without Trumps, and his Puppeteer Bannon's authority. When our own President 'trusts' our enemies more than our own Intelligence Agencies, then how can we possibly justify keeping him as our President, our Commander-In-Chief. He is supposed to work for America, not his good friend Russia!
Of course that lame excuse is full of holes in the first place. What 'secret squirrel' things did he plan on sharing with the Ruskies that would have to be hidden... from our own I.A's.? It is impossible to imagine that Trump would have known nothing of Kushner's activities. Nothing happens without Trumps, and his Puppeteer Bannon's authority. When our own President 'trusts' our enemies more than our own Intelligence Agencies, then how can we possibly justify keeping him as our President, our Commander-In-Chief. He is supposed to work for America, not his good friend Russia!
'The Only Thing We Have To 'Fear'...'
'Hello out there my fellow Trump lovin' brethern! How about a big shout-out for our snappy, not even 'nearly' 'IslamaPhobic' billboard! Man, is that a 'good' one or what!? I bet there's not another one like this in the whole state of North Carolina! I bet we are the envy of everyone who wish they had thought of it first. And before you even 'begin' to accuse us frothing at the mouth 'Christians' of being 'anti-Muslim' let us be perfectly 'clear' that as long as they 'convert' to 'Our' religion, we'll love'em to death. So, who say's radical evangelicals ain't 'benevolent'? Convert, you heathens, you un-christian, Jesus hating, terrorist loving Muslims, repent and convert to humanity loving, sin forgiving, benevolent, friendly, tolerant of all things, Christianity! Or stay the hell out of our state and country, and burn in hades forever, and ever, Amen!
Just imagine, "19 Muslim Immigrants", killing 2977 Americans, oh....well, including about 35 'innocent' Muslims that just 'happened', by 'chance', to be in the building at the time. Hmmm...why 'were' they in those buildings in the first place? As we all 'know', 'remnants' of 'backpacks' were found in the ruins. Seems a bit coincidental..makes you 'wonder' though, doesn't it? Maybe there were 'More' than 19 bad guys..just sayin'..
So, that's a lot of innocent Americans to be killed by foreign terrorists. That's why we need 'laws'. This incident 'proves' beyond a doubt that President Trump's, who by the way was sent here by Jesus himself to 'save' America, 'Immigration Ban' is 'exactly' what America needs to 'fully protect' us from these crazed killers of Americans.
Oh sure, there's people, mostly crybaby Democrats or 'snowflakes' as we like to call them, that will tell you, if you even bother to listen, which we 'men of the cloth' discourage, that America has a much bigger problem than a few Muslim Terrorists killing a few Americans. Problems such as;
According to the U.S. State Department, the number of U.S. citizens killed overseas as a result of incidents of terrorism from 2001 to 2013 was 350.
In addition, between 2001 and 2013, there were 3,030 people killed in domestic acts of terrorism.*(on American soil) This brings the total to 3,380, killed by these out of control, fanatical religious Americans. Hmmm...yeah, it looks like American 'Domestic' terrorists sorta kill more Americans than those pesky Muslims do. Rats!!
Also, it looks like regular 'Americans' are killing regular 'Americans' by the droves; According to CDC since 2001, you know, the year of the 'Towers' attack that killed 2,977 Americans, there have been over 406,496 (that's THOUSANDS folks, THOUSANDS) Americans killed by Other Americans, by Firearms IN America. This does not count homicides by all other means. Yep, nearly Half a Million Americans killed by their fellow Americans, on American soil just by firearms alone. Not those pesky, reviled, running amok, Muslim Terrorists, but simply 'regular Americans' with Firearms, not 'airplanes', just Firearms, murdering other Americans. Bang! Bang! Bang! You're dead. Rats!!!
Where did all those sneaky 'Muslim terrorists' go that were hiding behind every tree like Trump said?? American's are killing Americans? Right here? In America!? Rats!!
Looks like we need another 'billboard' folks! We gotta 'ban' Americans from crossing our borders! More Airport 'security'! Gotta build a 'wall' all the way around America, especially around North Carolina, especially around our God fearing, bible thumping selves!! Gott keep those murdering, killing, awful gun loving, trigger happy Americans from getting in and killing us all! Rascals! Looks like the only thing we have to 'fear', is 'ourselves'. Well, back to the 'drawingboard' boys.' :/
Just imagine, "19 Muslim Immigrants", killing 2977 Americans, oh....well, including about 35 'innocent' Muslims that just 'happened', by 'chance', to be in the building at the time. Hmmm...why 'were' they in those buildings in the first place? As we all 'know', 'remnants' of 'backpacks' were found in the ruins. Seems a bit coincidental..makes you 'wonder' though, doesn't it? Maybe there were 'More' than 19 bad guys..just sayin'..
So, that's a lot of innocent Americans to be killed by foreign terrorists. That's why we need 'laws'. This incident 'proves' beyond a doubt that President Trump's, who by the way was sent here by Jesus himself to 'save' America, 'Immigration Ban' is 'exactly' what America needs to 'fully protect' us from these crazed killers of Americans.
Oh sure, there's people, mostly crybaby Democrats or 'snowflakes' as we like to call them, that will tell you, if you even bother to listen, which we 'men of the cloth' discourage, that America has a much bigger problem than a few Muslim Terrorists killing a few Americans. Problems such as;
According to the U.S. State Department, the number of U.S. citizens killed overseas as a result of incidents of terrorism from 2001 to 2013 was 350.
In addition, between 2001 and 2013, there were 3,030 people killed in domestic acts of terrorism.*(on American soil) This brings the total to 3,380, killed by these out of control, fanatical religious Americans. Hmmm...yeah, it looks like American 'Domestic' terrorists sorta kill more Americans than those pesky Muslims do. Rats!!
Also, it looks like regular 'Americans' are killing regular 'Americans' by the droves; According to CDC since 2001, you know, the year of the 'Towers' attack that killed 2,977 Americans, there have been over 406,496 (that's THOUSANDS folks, THOUSANDS) Americans killed by Other Americans, by Firearms IN America. This does not count homicides by all other means. Yep, nearly Half a Million Americans killed by their fellow Americans, on American soil just by firearms alone. Not those pesky, reviled, running amok, Muslim Terrorists, but simply 'regular Americans' with Firearms, not 'airplanes', just Firearms, murdering other Americans. Bang! Bang! Bang! You're dead. Rats!!!
Where did all those sneaky 'Muslim terrorists' go that were hiding behind every tree like Trump said?? American's are killing Americans? Right here? In America!? Rats!!
Looks like we need another 'billboard' folks! We gotta 'ban' Americans from crossing our borders! More Airport 'security'! Gotta build a 'wall' all the way around America, especially around North Carolina, especially around our God fearing, bible thumping selves!! Gott keep those murdering, killing, awful gun loving, trigger happy Americans from getting in and killing us all! Rascals! Looks like the only thing we have to 'fear', is 'ourselves'. Well, back to the 'drawingboard' boys.' :/
One church group in North Carolina isn’t mincing words about why they believe President Donald J. Trump's travel ban is needed:
Friday, May 26, 2017
It's Just "A State Of Mind"'
It's Just "A State Of Mind"'
'Oh hi folks. You 'might' remember me from last year when I was begging quietly to be your President. No? Really?? Oh. Here, maybe if I tell you my name...maybe that would help? Ben..Ben Carson, you 'know', Ben, The Brain Surgeon guy. Remember how that silly 'reporter' 'BuddyBlack' from that crazy 'news' station, 'BBSN' compared me to that 'Mr.Rogers' guy from that TV show? And I said, 'how could That be, Mr. Rogers is a 'white' guy. My own brain is so big and smart, it actually slows me down. Remember how quiet and unasumming I was, and how softly I would speak so's you had to get real close to your TV, and turn the volume way up. Boy, did we have a lot of fun! Some of you actually voted for me, or at least you 'would' have if those other people would have dropped out before I saw the light. Boy, I sure said some mean stuff about those folks, huh? Even a few crazy things about my now BFF, His Majesty Trump, who turned right around and hired me to do stuff for him even though I don't, and never will, have the first clue about what I'm doing, or am 'supposed' to do around here. What a crazy world we live in.
Did you know that I'm really wealthy? Wanna know why? Ok, I'll tell you why. You might have to come in real close to your screen because I type real slow and softly. Have you ever heard the word 'Poverty'? Yeah, me neither until just recently. I've never even 'thought' of that word, let alone 'said' it! Who Does? When you're wealthy like Me, and have your own private retirement $$$, and health insurance, nice cars, lots of snappy places to live, plenty of food, and stuff like that, why would you even 'think' about that word. See, that's the biggest 'problem' Americans have. I've seen it with my own eyes, but of course I didn't actually 'know' what I was seeing until I fell into this cozy armchair job of mine, oh, and by the way, thanks to my BFF-FWB. What a swell guy he is even after all the really mean things I 'may' have 'thought' about him.
But hey, lets get back on track here and talk about that biggest 'problem' Americans, excluding myself of course, have. Did you know that lots of folks don't have money and wealth, and houses, and food, like I, myself, have? That's right! Boy was I ever 'surprised'! I actually had an epiphany, yes that's a really big word, one day while relaxing by one of my pools, and wondering if I could afford to hire a personal chauffer. And in a moment of 'brain fudd', I thought, 'can I afford one'? And right then it struck me right up side my perfectly formed noggin, 'That's what it's like to live in 'poverty', you know, when you can't afford to have something, like a chauffer, or something, which I, myself, can certainly afford, but I was just wondering in the sun there. But then I wondered with my exceptionally brilliant brain,' why are people afflicted with this debliatating disease in the first place?' From my elevated station in life, I could see absolutly no 'physical' reason for their plight. Try as my superior intellect could, I could see 'nothing' that could cause this horrible disease that now, in my newfound enlightenment, could possibly be attributed to. And then, another 'eye popper' brought me to the realization that this 'poverty' illness must spring from with-in. Yes. From the 'mind'! Poverty is "a state of mind"! This concept is earth shattering! I'm actually humbled, and not a little 'dumb' founded at the thought. Imagine that! If one 'thinks' about "poverty", then one will become that very thing! The 'mind' can be a terrible thing to waste. And you know what boys and girls, of all the things I've 'lost', I miss my 'mind' the most.' ;)
'Oh hi folks. You 'might' remember me from last year when I was begging quietly to be your President. No? Really?? Oh. Here, maybe if I tell you my name...maybe that would help? Ben..Ben Carson, you 'know', Ben, The Brain Surgeon guy. Remember how that silly 'reporter' 'BuddyBlack' from that crazy 'news' station, 'BBSN' compared me to that 'Mr.Rogers' guy from that TV show? And I said, 'how could That be, Mr. Rogers is a 'white' guy. My own brain is so big and smart, it actually slows me down. Remember how quiet and unasumming I was, and how softly I would speak so's you had to get real close to your TV, and turn the volume way up. Boy, did we have a lot of fun! Some of you actually voted for me, or at least you 'would' have if those other people would have dropped out before I saw the light. Boy, I sure said some mean stuff about those folks, huh? Even a few crazy things about my now BFF, His Majesty Trump, who turned right around and hired me to do stuff for him even though I don't, and never will, have the first clue about what I'm doing, or am 'supposed' to do around here. What a crazy world we live in.
Did you know that I'm really wealthy? Wanna know why? Ok, I'll tell you why. You might have to come in real close to your screen because I type real slow and softly. Have you ever heard the word 'Poverty'? Yeah, me neither until just recently. I've never even 'thought' of that word, let alone 'said' it! Who Does? When you're wealthy like Me, and have your own private retirement $$$, and health insurance, nice cars, lots of snappy places to live, plenty of food, and stuff like that, why would you even 'think' about that word. See, that's the biggest 'problem' Americans have. I've seen it with my own eyes, but of course I didn't actually 'know' what I was seeing until I fell into this cozy armchair job of mine, oh, and by the way, thanks to my BFF-FWB. What a swell guy he is even after all the really mean things I 'may' have 'thought' about him.
But hey, lets get back on track here and talk about that biggest 'problem' Americans, excluding myself of course, have. Did you know that lots of folks don't have money and wealth, and houses, and food, like I, myself, have? That's right! Boy was I ever 'surprised'! I actually had an epiphany, yes that's a really big word, one day while relaxing by one of my pools, and wondering if I could afford to hire a personal chauffer. And in a moment of 'brain fudd', I thought, 'can I afford one'? And right then it struck me right up side my perfectly formed noggin, 'That's what it's like to live in 'poverty', you know, when you can't afford to have something, like a chauffer, or something, which I, myself, can certainly afford, but I was just wondering in the sun there. But then I wondered with my exceptionally brilliant brain,' why are people afflicted with this debliatating disease in the first place?' From my elevated station in life, I could see absolutly no 'physical' reason for their plight. Try as my superior intellect could, I could see 'nothing' that could cause this horrible disease that now, in my newfound enlightenment, could possibly be attributed to. And then, another 'eye popper' brought me to the realization that this 'poverty' illness must spring from with-in. Yes. From the 'mind'! Poverty is "a state of mind"! This concept is earth shattering! I'm actually humbled, and not a little 'dumb' founded at the thought. Imagine that! If one 'thinks' about "poverty", then one will become that very thing! The 'mind' can be a terrible thing to waste. And you know what boys and girls, of all the things I've 'lost', I miss my 'mind' the most.' ;)
Open mouth - insert foot: Trump’s Housing Secretary Ben Carson insults the intelligence by claiming poverty is “a state of mind.”
patheos.com|By Progressive Secular Humanist Examiner
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
'Boys, We're Sinking!'
'Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Attention, Attention! The 'Good Ship TrumpityPop' has rammed a 'political burg' and it appears that we are sinking! 'Captain' Trump has issued the following orders; Engine room, full speed ahead! Boatboy, Lower the 'Captains' 'Life Yacht'. Upon the 'Captain', and his lawyers departure, jettison the 'businessman class' life rafts, then toss the 'Politician Vests' overboard. Vlad, call your special BFF right away, you 'know', at his 'special' numb...er. It's every man, woman, and child for themselves! Steve Bannon, report to the bilge to prepair the scuttling charges, remember, your job is to go down with the ship, no one can do it as well as you. We must not allow those Russian hating, anti-communist Democrats to take control of the 'ship', they'll run it aground for sure!! Kelly Ann, report to the 'business' level latrines, continue to keep those things in good flushing order, you've always done a great 'job' there, we're counting on you! Remember, Survivors must pay for their Own lawyers, keep in mind that, 'Loose lips sink ships', 'Plead the 5th', 'If they don't have audio or video, it didn't happen', 'blame the other guy, you 'know', Obama', 'check yourselves in to a 'rehab' facility', above all else, 'admit' nothing!
Clang! Clang! Clang! The 'Captain' has left the ship, carry on as 'ordered'.' ;)
See More
Clang! Clang! Clang! The 'Captain' has left the ship, carry on as 'ordered'.' ;)
See More
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
'Dispicable MURDERERS!'
To the dispicable MURDERERS of the Manchester Innocent; Contrary to your deluded, deranged, misguided, and brain damaged wishes, you will Not be meeting 'Allah', and the host of mythical virgins as an ultimate 'reward' for slaughtering innocent children. You are soulless, heartless, cowardly animals, and simply a scourge on the Earth. Your 'God', 'Allah', or whatever that may be to your warped, senseless mind, has abandoned you, and you are now a 'godless' nothing. You can no longer call on that 'entity' to 'save' you from yourself. Instead of the 'heaven' you mistakenly believe you will be revelling, and coverting in, instead you will be condemned to burn in your own man made hell where you will for all eternity suffer the pain of every one of the innocent humans you have destroyed. :/
"Cult of The Lost Cause."
Monday, May 22, 2017
'Break Out The Ropes Boys'
'Break Out The Ropes Boys'
'Yeah, that's right America, "lynch" those fellow Americans, just like in the old days of yor, you 'know', the way we used to "lynch" those uppity Slaves that got out of hand, and then during the 50's and 60's when their descendants dared to fight for their 'freedoms' to be on the same level as us 'lilly whiters', we lynched'em again!
"The destruction of these scared monuments, erected in the loving memory of our family and fellow Southern America...ns, is both heinous and horrific," "If the, and I use this term extremely loosely, 'leadership' of Louisiana wishes to, in a Nazi-ish fashion, burn books or destroy historical monuments of OUR HISTORY, they should be LYNCHED!"
How dare these 'traitors' even 'think' of tearing down our wonderful statue that shower praise on our heroes who tried to destroy America. How dare they rip from our hearts our blessed southern 'heritage' "history" that 'all' God fearing, ignorant southerners relate to. These 'heroes' simply answered their call to duty when those despicable yankees invaded our homeland trying to steal our Slaves away from us, and destroy our southern 'way' of life. 'Sure', you might say that these men defected from their country, turned their backs on the American Union, took up arms against the American Government, and were the cause of millions of un-needed deaths and misery all across America, but hey, they did it for a 'good' cause called 'States Rights'. You 'know', our 'states rights' to Enslave, and Own Human Beings just like they were farm animals, just as we had done for nearly 300 years. Yes, these are our southern 'heroes' that all good southerners hold near and dear to our hearts. Sure, they might be called 'traitors' but we're able to look past that little glitch, and build great big monuments to those traitors, and I say to anyone who dares defile their memories, "they should be LYNCHED!"
I'm Mississippi State Rep. Karl Oliver, I'm a learned 'lawmaker', I'm 'lilly white', (althought I have Not had a DNA test to 'prove' it) and I approve this 'good ol' southern boy' message. Oh, and remember boys, ya gotta have Thirteen knots in that noose for a proper lynching.' ;) ;)
See More
'Yeah, that's right America, "lynch" those fellow Americans, just like in the old days of yor, you 'know', the way we used to "lynch" those uppity Slaves that got out of hand, and then during the 50's and 60's when their descendants dared to fight for their 'freedoms' to be on the same level as us 'lilly whiters', we lynched'em again!
"The destruction of these scared monuments, erected in the loving memory of our family and fellow Southern America...ns, is both heinous and horrific," "If the, and I use this term extremely loosely, 'leadership' of Louisiana wishes to, in a Nazi-ish fashion, burn books or destroy historical monuments of OUR HISTORY, they should be LYNCHED!"
How dare these 'traitors' even 'think' of tearing down our wonderful statue that shower praise on our heroes who tried to destroy America. How dare they rip from our hearts our blessed southern 'heritage' "history" that 'all' God fearing, ignorant southerners relate to. These 'heroes' simply answered their call to duty when those despicable yankees invaded our homeland trying to steal our Slaves away from us, and destroy our southern 'way' of life. 'Sure', you might say that these men defected from their country, turned their backs on the American Union, took up arms against the American Government, and were the cause of millions of un-needed deaths and misery all across America, but hey, they did it for a 'good' cause called 'States Rights'. You 'know', our 'states rights' to Enslave, and Own Human Beings just like they were farm animals, just as we had done for nearly 300 years. Yes, these are our southern 'heroes' that all good southerners hold near and dear to our hearts. Sure, they might be called 'traitors' but we're able to look past that little glitch, and build great big monuments to those traitors, and I say to anyone who dares defile their memories, "they should be LYNCHED!"
I'm Mississippi State Rep. Karl Oliver, I'm a learned 'lawmaker', I'm 'lilly white', (althought I have Not had a DNA test to 'prove' it) and I approve this 'good ol' southern boy' message. Oh, and remember boys, ya gotta have Thirteen knots in that noose for a proper lynching.' ;) ;)
See More
A Mississippi Republican lawmaker who called for the lynching of politicians who approve of the removal of Confederate monuments needs to "quickly clear up his…
cnn.com|By Eugene Scott
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Say It Ain't So!
Dear paranoid, superstitious, gullable, ill educated, conspiracy mongering, brain damaged, fake news absorbing people; 'stupid' cannot be fixed, you are the way you are, and as you will always be, blissfully, yet dangerously ignorant of reality, science, and education that you have purposefully discounted all through your tunnel visioned lives. Even though you have had every oppurtunity to educate, and enlighten your selves in the ways of intellegent beings, you have failed miserably, and with every one of your decaying conspiracy laced comments, you simply add yet another nail to the shutters across the door of your minds. ;)
'Praise the Lord, and pass the collection plate!
'Praise the Lord, and pass the collection plate!
Folks, the good lord woke me up in the wee hours of the night and whacked me right on the head with an Epiphany. I was surprised as all git out, and said, 'Lord' why me? And the Good Lord said, 'Pat, you're the man! I can always count on You to spread the gospel, evangelicals will believe anything you toss at them, now get out there and enlighten!'.
And folks, here's what I just gotta tell you. Are you fat, obese, overweight, eating twenty four hours a day, always hungry, carrying around hamburgers in your pockets, twinkies behind your ears? Does it seem like there's just no end to your hunger binges. Are you always wondering 'why' do I eat food, especially when I'm hungry? Well, wonder no more folks! The 'reason' is quite simply really. The food you are eating is demonically possessed. That's right! You heard me correctly folks. You see, food that grows in the ground, and what doesn't, gets the devil in it because the devil comes right up from hell, the devils workshop, and gets in your food. If it's not cleansed properly by prayers before you eat it, then you get a devil of an eating disorder. The devil must "be rebuked, and cast out" before you can safely eat possessed food. Have you been saying your prayers of thanksgiving before you eat? Well, what's happening is that it's still full of demons, and if you don't pray then you are eating demons that make you sick, or fat, or just sick of being fat. Once you have rebuked and cast out the devil, it's safe to eat as much as you want, as often as you wish, and never get fat, or sick, and stuff. That's right folks, simple as that. The best way to get rid of your devilish eating disorders is to properly pray and give thanks just before you take a bite. here's how it's done, just follow my instructions, and then, you can safely dive into any feast. It's always worked for me, myself, because I've never had a single demon in me, ever. First, think of what you're gonna say, otherwise it's gonna sound like 'talking in tongues' which even the good lord won't understand. Then, it's good to humble yourself by 'taking a knee'. Then for some reason you must close your eyes real tight, don't be looking around to see what everyone else is doing, and bow your head a little for even more humbleness. Then go ahead and say thanks for all sorts of stuff, especially for the food, and be sure to mention about rebuking, and casting out the demonic spirits that your food is possessed with. That's all there is to it. Just like magic your food will now be safe to eat. You wont get fat, or sick, or sick of being fat, or sick of being sick, and stuff. Take it from me folks, I'd never 'lead' you wrong. Be sure to enclose a self addressed envelope with your generous 'offering', it costs me a lot of money to continue my mission of passing along gods good advice. Send cash, personal checks or money orders only. And remember, when I say 'Pass the plate', I'm not talking about 'food''. ;)
Folks, the good lord woke me up in the wee hours of the night and whacked me right on the head with an Epiphany. I was surprised as all git out, and said, 'Lord' why me? And the Good Lord said, 'Pat, you're the man! I can always count on You to spread the gospel, evangelicals will believe anything you toss at them, now get out there and enlighten!'.
And folks, here's what I just gotta tell you. Are you fat, obese, overweight, eating twenty four hours a day, always hungry, carrying around hamburgers in your pockets, twinkies behind your ears? Does it seem like there's just no end to your hunger binges. Are you always wondering 'why' do I eat food, especially when I'm hungry? Well, wonder no more folks! The 'reason' is quite simply really. The food you are eating is demonically possessed. That's right! You heard me correctly folks. You see, food that grows in the ground, and what doesn't, gets the devil in it because the devil comes right up from hell, the devils workshop, and gets in your food. If it's not cleansed properly by prayers before you eat it, then you get a devil of an eating disorder. The devil must "be rebuked, and cast out" before you can safely eat possessed food. Have you been saying your prayers of thanksgiving before you eat? Well, what's happening is that it's still full of demons, and if you don't pray then you are eating demons that make you sick, or fat, or just sick of being fat. Once you have rebuked and cast out the devil, it's safe to eat as much as you want, as often as you wish, and never get fat, or sick, and stuff. That's right folks, simple as that. The best way to get rid of your devilish eating disorders is to properly pray and give thanks just before you take a bite. here's how it's done, just follow my instructions, and then, you can safely dive into any feast. It's always worked for me, myself, because I've never had a single demon in me, ever. First, think of what you're gonna say, otherwise it's gonna sound like 'talking in tongues' which even the good lord won't understand. Then, it's good to humble yourself by 'taking a knee'. Then for some reason you must close your eyes real tight, don't be looking around to see what everyone else is doing, and bow your head a little for even more humbleness. Then go ahead and say thanks for all sorts of stuff, especially for the food, and be sure to mention about rebuking, and casting out the demonic spirits that your food is possessed with. That's all there is to it. Just like magic your food will now be safe to eat. You wont get fat, or sick, or sick of being fat, or sick of being sick, and stuff. Take it from me folks, I'd never 'lead' you wrong. Be sure to enclose a self addressed envelope with your generous 'offering', it costs me a lot of money to continue my mission of passing along gods good advice. Send cash, personal checks or money orders only. And remember, when I say 'Pass the plate', I'm not talking about 'food''. ;)
Bad medicine: Televangelist Pat Robertson tells viewers to treat eating disorders “as a demonic possession thing,” and claims an eating disorder “is like a demon and it…
patheos.com|By Progressive Secular Humanist Examiner
'Go Forth, And Be Just Like Him'
'Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, for inviting me, the best evangelical Vice President ever to grace the halls of the White House, to give you the 'best' commencement speech ever.
I bring you joy, and good tidings from your 'humble', 'benevolent' President Trump, who could not be here today because he is busy giving away Billions and Billions of your US dollars to the leaders of Saudia Arabia, who as we all 'know' are starving to death, eating sand sandwiches just to make it through another pitiful day in that horrible desert they all live in. I'll be passing the 'plate' afterwards for donations that will go towards feeding their starving camels.
I just want to encourage you young folks to "become leaders" in the very image of President Trump. You will be wise to watch his every move, follow his every step, listen to everything he says, the way he says it, and who he says it to. You have so much to 'learn' from him! Copy his mannerisms, his propensity for telling the 'truth', never letting a 'lie' slip his tongue, always on 'guard' for those who would do harm to him and your country, and environment, his undying and relentless quest for the 'facts', no matter the case at hand. See how he 'manages' people around him, how he treats his employees, and those who 'he' can benefit from. Copy his facial expressions when under stress, the way he forms his words, and how he uses those 'wise' words in a sentence. Mimic his steadfast ways of 'honoring' those who deserve honor, and soundly defeating his enemies who would do him or America wrong. See how he 'avoids' people who would otherwise use his position to further their own agendas. Take from him his 'patience', his 'humbleness', his 'love' for minorities, and those less privileged than himself. Emulate his very being, his way of 'always' admitting the error of his ways, always 'facing' the truth, and being able to 'listen' to wiser words when necessary. In short, your President wants each and every one of you to go forth and mold yourselves in his very image, name your children after him, become him, be him. He is busy setting the 'best' example of a 'leader' that America has ever seen, or will ever have. Did I mention that he won by a bigly landslide of votes? Great guy. Love his family. So go on, and get out there, and be 'just like' your President! What could 'possibly' go wrong with that?'
I bring you joy, and good tidings from your 'humble', 'benevolent' President Trump, who could not be here today because he is busy giving away Billions and Billions of your US dollars to the leaders of Saudia Arabia, who as we all 'know' are starving to death, eating sand sandwiches just to make it through another pitiful day in that horrible desert they all live in. I'll be passing the 'plate' afterwards for donations that will go towards feeding their starving camels.
I just want to encourage you young folks to "become leaders" in the very image of President Trump. You will be wise to watch his every move, follow his every step, listen to everything he says, the way he says it, and who he says it to. You have so much to 'learn' from him! Copy his mannerisms, his propensity for telling the 'truth', never letting a 'lie' slip his tongue, always on 'guard' for those who would do harm to him and your country, and environment, his undying and relentless quest for the 'facts', no matter the case at hand. See how he 'manages' people around him, how he treats his employees, and those who 'he' can benefit from. Copy his facial expressions when under stress, the way he forms his words, and how he uses those 'wise' words in a sentence. Mimic his steadfast ways of 'honoring' those who deserve honor, and soundly defeating his enemies who would do him or America wrong. See how he 'avoids' people who would otherwise use his position to further their own agendas. Take from him his 'patience', his 'humbleness', his 'love' for minorities, and those less privileged than himself. Emulate his very being, his way of 'always' admitting the error of his ways, always 'facing' the truth, and being able to 'listen' to wiser words when necessary. In short, your President wants each and every one of you to go forth and mold yourselves in his very image, name your children after him, become him, be him. He is busy setting the 'best' example of a 'leader' that America has ever seen, or will ever have. Did I mention that he won by a bigly landslide of votes? Great guy. Love his family. So go on, and get out there, and be 'just like' your President! What could 'possibly' go wrong with that?'
Pence cites Trump's 'leadership' in commencement address
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Say It ain't So!
Surely there must be something in the water there, or a brain killing heat wave, or bad mushrooms, or insidious air pollution, or, or...WTH are they 'thinking', if thinking at all!? This is such idioticy! So reminiscent of the 'Dark Ages' when 'religion' ruled every aspect of human life. Evangelical hypocricy is alive and well in Texass. There's gonna be a lot of 'closet' sinners, both Male, and Female!
Shoot First, 'Stand Your ground' Later
The dysfunctional Trump administration has successfully turned America over on its head, and deemed the theft of otherwise inanimate objects worthy of a 'death' sentence by a one man citizen 'court'. When a 'law' supercedes human morality, and common sense, you can be assured that neither will be considered as the Trigger is pulled. These asinine "Stand Your Ground" laws simply move the 'Court of Law' process from the courtroom, to the trigger finger of a self appointed 'arbitrator' of 'street justice'. Nothing good will ever come of this process.
Radalized 'Christians'
Yep, right in the "hands" of radalized, evangelical jihadists. let there be no doubt about it, if that ever happens, America will revert back to the days of burning at the stake for blasphamy, and even worse if possible. If anyone thinks that ISIS is bad, just wait until 'christians' get total control of our Government. All this in praise of a 'ghost' they've never seen, and never will.
'Willow Weep', a poem by buddyblack
'Willow Weep'
A poem by buddyblack
The Willow
Is standing
Without a
Without a
Anchored deep
It hugs
The earth,
No hint
Of laughter,
None of
It softly
In gentle
That barely
Other trees.
With slender
And branches
It's cooing
A mournful
But why
So sad,
This stately
That stands
So tall,
And seems
So free.
What event
In ancient
Now leads
Us to
Much metric
Of weeping
Crying softly
Bearing sadness,
Standing loftly.
A contradiction
This weeping
That brings
Such joy
To you
'Nobody Loves Me!'
'OMG! WaaaaaWaaaaaWaa! Nobody likes me, nobody loves me, I'm gonna go eat a frog! Meanies, meanieweenies everywhere just pick on me all the doggone time. Why do they do this? Why do people "treat" me "worse" than dirt!? I mean, what have I 'done' to be "treated" so "unfairly"? Was it 'something' I said? Am I 'really' so bad? Waaaaaa! Did I treat someone badly? Do I deserve such meanness? I'm a nice guy, a 'great' guy if you believe my Almost lover, BFF Vlad, 'the nation builder', Putin. 'Nobody' in Russia, that lives to tell, talks bad things about Him. Honest guy, Vlad. Wonderful 'Statesman', Russians just adore him. They shower him with love and 'respect'. I get none of that from Americans! Terrible people! Disgusting! Vlad's gonna bail me out of this little 'secret sharing' thing that the dems are trying to railroad me with. He has the tapes from our meeting. Hey, I didn't know he was actually 'taping' it! Smart guy! Guess what! Now I have a new BFF in Turkey! I just love despotic dictators! We have so much in common! I still can't figure out why people, especially those lying, disgusting, sorry excuses for humans, 'reporters', treat me so badly. Waaaaaa! Why are they 'allowed' to print anything they want to about me? What kind of Country 'is' this? My 'bunkie' Stevie, and I are gonna re-write this so-called Constitution! It's a broken antique! It's gotta go! Poorly written! 'My' name's not even mentioned in it! Waaaa! Should be a law against saying 'bad' things about me! Must make a list of 'laws' to protect myself from 'truth' seekers. Horrible people! Fake news 'reporters'! Especially the Women ones! Liars! I just don't get it! Why can't people leave me alone! No politician "has been treated worse or more unfairly than me"! Waaaa! What's with that? WaaaWaaaaaa!' ;)
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Sunday, May 14, 2017
Nothing To 'Fear', But Himself
"Methinks he protests too greatly". It seems he fears the very thing he likes the best?
"Pathetic" Critics
Oppps! Another 'open mic' moment, as Trump was 'heard' to utter; 'thanks for the votes,suckers'.
'Lawmakers' Should 'Lead' By Example
This is simply another clueless, adlebrained, 'Trum-Pet' Republican hellbent on "deconstructing" America. This asinine proposal from this absolute perfect example of a Trump Puppet, will result in the immediate, and unfortunate demise of both Law Enforcement Officers, And, the gunslinging fools who will brainlessly heed to this fools 'advice'. If Anyone in the great State of Nevada takes this foolish so-called 'Lawmaker' serious, then they had better keep their calendars open for the funerals they will undoubtedly will be attending because of it. They can legislate 'laws', but they cannot legislate 'common sense'. :/
Hmmmm..what better way for her to 'show' the benefits of her 'sage' advice! A 'leader'' should lead by example. Waiting....waiting....still waiting....ZzzzzzzZzzzzzz.....
'My 'Tie'? What About My 'Tie'?
'Oh yeah, 'now' I 'remember'. You were talking about 'Russia'? Haha! Funny, I thought you said 'don't Rush me'. So...Russia...yeah, now I remember. I 'misspoke' before when I answered that question about 'ties' with Russia. I thought you were asking about this 'tie' I'm wearing that was actually made in Russia. A gift from my pal Putin, the Nation Builder. Great guy. Wonderful family. Did I ever tell you about how I won the election? Huge numbers! How about those evangelical ...voters!? What a turn out! Boy, I owe them bigly! Gonna make America their own personal Evangelical Caliphate for them. How about a big shout-out for 'religion'! What a guy! Just had lunch with Jesus last week. Now, what were we talking about? Yeah, I heard on Fox News that Russia owes us lots of money. They 'certainly' don't still owe Me anything. I don't even shop there anymore. Hey, let me tell you about my favorite golf course..... . :/
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Friday, May 12, 2017
'You Still Ain't Seen Nothing yet'
'WaaaaaWaaaaWaaa! It's my 'ballgame' and if you don't play by My 'rules', I'll just take my ball and go home! So there, you meanie-weenies! And, if anyone Ever wants to see another "press briefing", then all you disgusting reporters had better start giving me good 'press'! From now on, if a reporter wants to write anything about me he will have to sign a 'loyalty pledge' swearing that he will alwa...ys support me no matter how stupid I become, or already am. And when my bunk-pal Stevie can't tuck me in at night, you better be there! You can just forget about that arcane 'Freedom of The Press' crap! This is 'My' America, I make the 'rules' here, I'm the boss, and everyone will do exactly as I dictate. I am totally 'above the law', 'conflicts of interest' do not apply to me or my family. I am the 'Supreme Ruler' of America! This is the way it's done in the 'business' world, and let there be no doubt about it folks, I'm running America just like I would any of my businesses. If you don't like it, then "you're fired"! Just like that FBI slacker! He's fired bigly! Find someplace else to live or I'll have you deported back to wherever your sorry immigrant ancestors came from! Outta here! He'll Never work again! And by the way mister 'fired guy', if you 'know' what's good for you, you better keep your yap shut. And I mean Shut! I'm watching you. And, you better 'believe' that anything we ever talked about has been 'secretly' recorded, so remember that, just in case you think about answering any questions, and "leaking" lies about me and the 'Ruskies', if you 'know' what I 'mean', and I'm sure you Do. Did I mention that I won the Electoral vote by a huge landslide? Bigly! Biggest numbers Ever! Millions! She didn't stand a snowballs chance in hades! Did you see those crybaby tears when she found out she lost!? Disgusting woman! I'm the only person in America that has what it takes to be President of America! That's why I'm President, and she's not! I'll be President 'forever', and then my Son's and daughters will be President. No one can get rid of me! Republicans voted for me to "deconstruct" America because they were tired of the 'old' ways. Well, This is the 'new' way folks, get used to it, say goodbye to the America you used to know, just like I said 'goodbye', and good riddance to that "showboating", good for nothing Comey, or whatever his name was. It's My America now, I bought it, and paid for it with my Own tax free money! One last thing, 'Comey, Shut up! Don't you dare leak the 'truth' about me! Remember, ex-FBI slacker, 'revenge is a dessert best served cold'. My lawyers are already working up a case against you, you won't stand a chance against me. I'm a Billionaire! I have more power than God! Even God fears me! I'm watching you Comey. I can see you from here. I can hear you crying.' "You ain't seen nothing yet", America!' :/
'Dumb, and Dumber'
Ahhh..America's future 'leaders'. They will make great 'Trum-Pets', and help him "make America great again" by using his glorious "Alternative Facts' theory of 'learning', erasing History, and completing his "deconstruction" of America. What could 'possibly' go wrong. :/
The Contrarian shared The American Patriot's video.
We are screwed.
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