Rumors surrounding a popular creature from urban legend have been swirling on the Internet (video below).
The mythical creature known as "Goatman" has recently been spotted in sightings all over Kentucky, Texas and Wisconsin, according to
These recent sightings have caused a resurgence in popular interest in the Goatman legend. Commenters in online blogs and social media are currently discussing the legend, and the topic has been trending on Facebook.
According to a video posted on the Strange Mysteries YouTube channel (below), the Goatman monster is a hybrid creature with the body of a man and the head and face of a goat. The creature was first spotted near a cave in Prince George's County, Maryland, in 1957.
A later sighting in 1962 occurred in the same area when the creature allegedly attacked and killed 14 hikers who traveled too close to its lair. According to legend, the Goatman chopped its victims to pieces while emitting shrieks that "only the devil himself would make," according to Strange Mysteries.
According to some rumors, the beast arose from a botched experiment by a scientist at a nearby U.S. agricultural facility. The scientist, Stephen Fletcher, reportedly mixed the DNA of his assistant with that of a goat.
Other rumors say that the creature was made from the devil.
The Goatman has parallels to several other mythical creatures. One of these is the Pope Lick Monster in Louisville, Kentucky, which has been described as a "large humanoid creature with furry, goat-like legs, alabaster skin, wide-set eyes, and horns that protrude from greasy fur," according to the Cult of Weird blog.
Local myth claims that the Pope Lick Monster escaped from a circus freak show after the train it was traveling on was derailed by an electrical storm. The creature reportedly resides in a wooded trestle near the train tracks on Pope Lick Road, and it has been blamed for the deaths of three people in the area.
The Goatman monster also resembles the satyr, a mythical goat-like creature from ancient Greek legend.