Sunday, December 20, 2015


  By BuddyBlack

You hold me,

Why do you

Hold me?

Why do you

Hold me back?

My skin is amber

My skin is tan

My skin is red,

My skin is black.

And you hold me.

But not with love,

Not with care.

You shield my eyes

From horizons there,

And you hold me.

And squeeze my life,

And I’d rather

You beat me,

Or run me through

With a cold steel knife.

My skin is white,

My skin is tan

My gender is woman

My gender is man,

and with mental chains

you hold me down.

You steal my lands,

My sky tall trees,

My blowing sands.

You fence my fields

You dam my streams.

You drown my village

You kill my dreams.

Your prejudiced eyes

Hold me down.

My skin is yellow

My skin is brown.

You give me land

That won’t bear fruit,

You give me ghettos

Where robbers loot,

Where dealers hide,

And killers shoot

Our children
Right before our eyes.

Yes, you hold me

But not for long.

The hate you have

Has made me strong.

You’ve taught me how

Your hold is wrong,

And I will Never hum

To your evil song.

Yes, you hold me, you hold me,

You hold me,

But not for long.

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