Monday, December 14, 2015

Rubio's Gonna Buy The Supreme Court

  'Hi fellow Christian Americans, it's Me, Rubio, you know, your next President. Welcome to my first Fireside chat where I'll give you some secret insight as to how your life will be with me as your fearless, ego driven 'leader' of the 'free' world, America included. Just the other day I was thinking, just in passing actually because I 'really' haven't given this very much thought at all, about this evil, and God forbidden issue of Gay marriage, you know, and stuff like That. Now, it's hardly Ever crossed my God fearing mind but now that I Have given it a simple little thought in passing, I might as well address it with you the wonderfully paronoid folks who either marked the Correct box, or maybe just accidently marked the right one, that put me in the Oval Office, which by the way works for Me because in an 'Oval' office it's impossible to get 'cornered' by the media. Now if you all would open up the new 'Bibles' I've had printed and issued to all Americans, and turn to page six, chapter three; 'Rubio's Folly 101', where it is written, ' And Rubio created an artificial world in just Five days, and then Bought Judges on the sixth, and held Church on the seventh, and rolled back marriage Equality on the eigth'. Right There you will see, and totally understand, how our world was newly created just the way it should have been in the first place. Yes folks, it's a New world, and now that I'm your 'leader', the one you will be stuck with for at least Four long excruciating years, if not longer, praise be to Rubio the great changer of things. So here's what I was thinking, and not just 'Thinking' folks, it's what I'm gonna Do because I know that Every bible, Mine of course, thumping one of you demand it. Right now we have a bunch of foot dragging, bench warming, senile lifers manning the Supreme Court, do I hear a 'Praise Rubio' on That one? Why are they There, I ask no one in particular. Look at what they've done! They said it's alright for gays to marry each other! Constitutional Rights, they say! What?? How can this Be, you might ask. Are they talking about Our Constitution, (which by the way I have some changes in mind there as well)? What Are they Doing up there behind those closed doors? I say to them, come out of your 'closets' your supreme highness'. Well, this ain't right, and I have a plan to make it 'right'. Did you know that your President, me, can appoint, as in 'buy' whoever he wants, to that office? Yeah, just discovered that little trick. Well folks, I'm gonna buy, err, appoint some of my best BFF's to sit up there, Bff's who instead of being open minded, un-biased, non-prejudicial, un-bought, things like That, that just screw up the works and get nowhere fast, will be just the opposite. Now, some of the good 'open minded' 'Christian's' I have lined up for those all vacant seats are; my Bff Pat Robinson, yeah I know, I know, what does he know about jurisprudence, don't worry he'll take an online law course, I mean how bad could it be, as long as he votes the way I tell him who cares, and then there's pastor Steven Anderson, I Know, 'loose cannon', don't worry, and then there's Ted Cruz or Anyone from the great enlightened and foreward thinking State of Texass, and then Michele Bachman who Trump thinks a lot of so she can't be All bad, and Pastor Jeff Crawford, and Pastor Kevin Swanson, they will Allways vote my way. I'll have some more nominations of folks that can be bought, err, nominated that is, but as you can see, compaired to what we have Now, they will be like a sunny day in winter. Also, and I'll just run this by you quickly without much ado, I was thinking about, and I'll probably wait untill my new 'Supreme' guys are seated to 'vote' on it, making 'Christianity' a 'Political Party', which would help get rid of that silly rule about Seperation of State and Church. Just a thought for you. So, my little rightious voters out there, stop wringing your hands and worring about your neighborhood being taken over by a bunch of gay people, I have it under control. We're gonna have So much fun changing America in the next four years, oh happy, happy days. Well, that's all for this little chat folks, be sure to read my bible everyday so that you too can 'think' like I do. Everybody say, 'Praise be to Rubio, the great changer of things'. :/:/

WASHINGTON -- Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio suggested that the justices he nominates to the Supreme Court may roll back marriage equality, in an interview that aired Sunday.
The Florida senator cited Martin Luther King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail" during an interview with Chuck Todd on "Meet The Press" and said he disagreed with the Supreme Court's decision that struck down state bans on same-sex marriage. Rubio said that "no one should ever be compelled to sin by law" and that a minister should not be compelled to marry a same-sex couple, which is not something that has happened.
SAUL LOEB via Getty Images

"I don't believe any case law is settled law. Any future Supreme Court can change it. And ultimately, I will appoint Supreme Court justices that will interpret the Constitution as originally constructed," Rubio said.
Rubio dismissed the idea of attempting to pass a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage because, he said, "I don't think the current Constitution gives the federal government the power to regulate marriage."
He disagreed with the Supreme Court's ruling that state bans on same-sex marriage discriminate against gays and lesbians.
"It's not about discrimination. It is about the definition of a very specific, traditional, and age-old institution," he said. "If you want to change it, you have a right to petition your state legislature and your elected representatives to do it. What is wrong is that the Supreme Court has found this hidden constitutional right that 200 years of jurisprudence had not discovered and basically overturn the will of voters in Florida, where over 60 percent passed a constitutional amendment that defined marriage in the state constitution as the union of one man and one woman."
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