Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Trump Say's Clinton Got Schlonged

'Ok folks, Now who says I not an 'international' kind of guy?  My little suckup trip to Israel has paid off in great 'dividends' because as you can see I've extended my vocabulary by including a few words I learned while there.  That's right!  I now speak Yid! I'm fluent I tell ya!  Fluent!   I said that Clinton got 'Schlonged'.  That's what I said.  I said it.  Schlonged!  She got it!  My Jewish 'friends' use that word about Me all the time.  At first I didn't know what they were talking about.  Didn't know.  No clue!  Then, I asked them, and they came right out and told me what it means. It means 'Pretty Hair'.  How about That!  Pretty hair.  Hey, that's Me all over!  It was so nice of them to compliment me in that fashion, using one of their own words when referring to me.  Clinton's got pretty hair!  I like her. Like her a lot, even though she lies every time her mouth opens, I still like her.  Would I marry her?  No way!  Even though she has pretty hair like Me, I couldn't stand being around her for more than five seconds.  Unlike myself, she is a fat liar.  Can't be trusted.  Horrible person!  But, I like her.  Hey, did you notice during that debate when she had to go to the bathroom?  What's with That?  Why didn't she go Before the debate?  Women!  Love'em!  Can't live With'em, can't live without'em.  My mother's a Woman.  I like women.  Women Love me.  Have you seen my wife?  Wow!                Every woman that can vote, if their husbands let them out of the house on Election day, will vote for me because they know I like them, and 'respect' them. What was Clinton doing in that bathroom anyway?  She was in there a Lonnnng time.  What do women Do in the bathroom?  Man, to be a fly on the wall in There!  She was gone a long time!  I bet she was afraid to come out.  She's afraid of me!  Scared!  She should just give up and go have a baby or something, or whatever women do.  Stay home where she Should Be anyway.  Women can't be President!  It's a Mans world. I'm gonna be your next President come hell or high water, do or die, it's gonna be Me.  I deserve it.  I Always get what I want in life, that's just the way it's meant to be. Meant to Be! I'm pretty, and my hair's pretty too, I'm as Schlonged as can be!'  :/  ;)

Politics | Tue Dec 22, 2015 4:47pm EST

Trump uses vulgar term to describe Clinton's 2008 presidential run

(Note nature of language in third and fourth paragraphs)WASHINGTON - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump used a vulgarity to describe Hillary Clinton's loss to Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic presidential race and then derided her over the time she took for a bathroom break during a debate.
Trump's off-color comments about the Democratic front-runner at a campaign appearance on Monday night came a day after he called Clinton a liar for saying his proposal to ban entry of all foreign Muslims to the United States aided Islamic State's propaganda efforts.

"She was going to beat Obama," Trump said of Clinton in Grand Rapids, Michigan. "... She was going to beat - she was favored to win - and she got schlonged. She lost."
"Schlong" is a Yiddish slang term for a man's genitals.
Trump, who is leading the Republican field for the 2016 presidential nomination, also made a reference to Clinton returning to the stage late after a bathroom break during a Democratic debate on Saturday night.
"I thought she gave up," Trump said. "Where did she go? Where did Hillary go? They had to start the debate without her. Phase II. I know where she went. It's disgusting. I don't want to talk about it," Trump said.
Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton's communications director, tweeted on Tuesday that the campaign would not respond to the comments but was scathing about the language Trump used.
"We are not responding to Trump but everyone who understands the humiliation this degrading language inflicts on all women should," Palmieri said.
News reports after the debate said the women's bathroom was farther from the stage than the men's room.
A Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Monday found that Trump would lose to Clinton in a hypothetical head-to-head contest if the presidential election were held today.
Trump appeared to struggle with women in a Quinnipiac Poll released on Tuesday. Six in 10 women said they would be "embarrassed" if the billionaire were president, compared to four in 10 men, the poll found.
Trump's blunt and sometime outrageous style and comments about Hispanics, women, Muslims and his rivals for the nomination have set much of the tone for the Republican race. He also is known for jousting with hecklers at his events, as he did Monday night. Some were ejected from the venue and the real estate tycoon suggested they might be "drugged out." He chided another group for being "so weak" they would not resist security guards' directions to leave.
Trump's comments about Clinton were not the first time he has veered into vulgarity. In 2011, Trump used the term "schlonged" in a Washington Post interview to refer to a Republican candidate who lost to a Democrat in a surprise upset. Both candidates in that race were women.
After a televised debate in August, he posted Twitter messages criticizing Fox News moderator Megyn Kelly and made comments in a television interview that were widely interpreted as referring to her menstrual cycle. He denied that was his intention.
Trump, 69, said last month that Clinton, 68, did not have strength or stamina to be president, and he also has called her the worst U.S. secretary of state during her time in the post from 2009-2013.
He has frequently mocked his rivals for the Republican nomination for their lower standing in the polls, often focusing on Jeb Bush, who he describes as "low energy." Trump was quoted in Rolling Stone magazine in September talking about the appearance of Carly Fiorina by saying, "Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that?"
For more on the 2016 presidential race, see the Reuters blog, “Tales from the Trail” (here)

(Writing by Doina Chiacu, additional reporting by Emily Stephenson; Editing by Bill Trott and Frances Kerry)

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