Saturday, December 26, 2015

Allens From UrAnus

'Holy celestial meteoroids! Will ya Look at That!? And nobody would listen to me! Oh, you're crazy as a crack smokin' loon they say. Well HaHa on Them! Now we'll see who has the last laugh! And I'm gonna be laughin' all the way to the bank with This one! Here, pull up a bean bag, have a 'brownie' and let me tell you how I've come to this great awakening. You see, I haven't Always been spending every breathing second of my life searching for UFO's. In my Other 'life' I was a world reknowned Anethesiologist, why, I've put more people to sleep than a memory foam mattress! Man, what a job that was! A little sniff for You, a little whiff for Me. But ya gotta be careful with that stuff, 'they' say too much whiffer sniffer can impair ones brain but as you can see, I was an exception. One day after 'work' I was just chilling on top of our local water tower minding my own beeswax, when all of a sudden out of the corner of my good eye I spied my very first extraterrestrial flying object, commonly known as a UFO, except it was Not 'Unidentified' to Me. I knew what it was right away! :0 It looked just like your standard space craft, and when it hovered above me I could see right in the window, and looking Back at me was an 'ET' looking creature who gave me a thumbs up, or at least it Looked like a thumb, and then he was gone like a shot. But wouldn't you know it, I had left my trusty camera in my fallout shelter. But I took a 'mind' picture of it and vowed to Never be sans camera Ever again. I told Everyone about it but skeptics all, they laughed and called me crazy. But I Knew that what I 'saw' was the real thing, the real deal. Soon, my job began interferring with my quest to capture, at least by photo, a UFO that would show the whole world that UFO's really Do exist. Really! Then I retired and dedicated my whole being, my whole life, my every thought, my every fiber, my every toke, my every whiff, to prove that Alians really do exist, and I would be the very first person to be BFF's with one. But First, I had to get that Picture! And get it I Did! After a zillion pictures capturing everything that flys, and some things that Don't, I Finally got the Goods on film. I just used a simple point n shoot box camera! I don't have a computor, and believe me, I know Nothing whatsoever about 'photoshopping' a picture. Never even heard of such a thing, if it really does exist. How crazy is That!? Who would Ever do That anyway? If it 'really' can be Done. But out of the zillions of pics I took, I finally got Four pics that would make even the meanest hardcore doubting thomas to give up the ghost, and admit that Wow!, UFO's are Real afterall! I mean just look at the 'evidence' in these unretouched pictures! Don't they look just like what you'd expect a 'real' UFO to 'look' like. They're symmetrical, smooth, with a reflective surface, and Look, it even has it's very Own light source! Holly cows folks! What Else could it possibly be!?? I found the holy Grail! It's real! I Knew I could do it! I even sent the pics to the National UFO Reporting Center, the most reputable UFO verifying agency in the whole world. I mean, you can't get any better than That! I'm still waiting for them to finish verifying my pics, and that indeed these are Real UFO's, just as I know they Are. Oh boy, I'm practically famous now, my name will be in all the news papers world wide, my name will be on the tongues of Everyone as the man who 'shot' a UFO. I now Live on top of our towns water tank and I just know that soon my Alian BFF's will come and give me a ride in their snappy saucer, and take me to their home planet 'UrAnus', and fete me as their earthling BFF. Oh, I just Love being famous, and getting all this wonderful positive attention. Now I ask you, Who's laughing Now!?'  ;) ;)



Montana Man: I Have Proof UFOs Are Real

He claims his camera caught one above Montana last month

By Arden Dier, Newser Staff

Posted Dec 24, 2015 8:08 AM CST
(Newser) – Richard O'Connor's two motion detection cameras are positioned 30 feet off the ground around his Clancy, Montana, home, and are trained skyward: Over the course of nearly two years, they've snapped some 280,000 photos. Most show birds, squirrels, or branches. But five of the bunch, taken Nov. 4, "are proof positive that UFOs are real," the retired anesthesiologist tells the Great Falls Tribune. The images show what appears to be "a very symmetrical, smooth and reflective surface that appears to have his own light source," says O'Connor. "In my opinion, even a hardened skeptic would say 'Wow, that is what I expect a UFO would look like.'" O'Connor, who says he's never dabbled in Photoshop, sent the photos to the National UFO Reporting Center.
The sighting report on the NUFORC site reads in part, "The first 5 photos in this series recorded the direct approach of 2 UFOs to the east-facing camera from an unknown distance. Photo M 5/20, obtained 6 seconds after the series of photos was triggered, reveals a clear photo of a UFO. Neither UFO is seen in photo number 6, recorded approximately 1 second later." NUFORC forwarded the photos to a photo analyst, who determined "the images are real, but remain a mystery. I suspect the lights in the first and last photos are sun reflections off of something rather than any propulsion system." Another analyst, however, concluded the photos are "100% fake." O'Connor has offered to take a polygraph test and plans to meet with other photo analysts." If I am subject to criticism to get to the bottom of this, then I guess it's part of the deal." See one photo here, or read about other alleged sightings throughout history.

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