Tuesday, December 8, 2015

"The Sinful Nation of France"

   ' SEE!!! I told you so! I told you! I told you! I told you, but does Anybody listen to Me, Ohhh noooo, 'Steven doesn't know jack crap!' Wellll look who's Crowing Now! That sinful Nation of France just got a butt kicking, and Now we all know Why! They are Such big Sinners! What did they expect Jeasus was gonna do? He's not gonna just sit back and watch these sinful Frenches go out and worship the devil, and not be a little pee'd Off. Blam! Lesson taught! The good Lord works in mysterious ways. And you know what, they got what they deserved, and I'd venture to say that they got off a little too easily. Anybody who listens to that satin loving devil music deserves to get shot up. Of course I, myself, have never listened to any of it but people tell me that it fries your brain and turns you into an impotent homo! Your children will grow up to be faggots or even Worse! Is That what you want to happen to your children? No way! They'd be better off meeting their maker! Now here at Our God fearing Baptist church we don't cotton to none of that devil music. None of it! None! I think I speak for every single citizen of the great State of Arizona when I say that France should burn in Hades for their sinful devil loving ways! If you buy a ticket to see the devil, don't be surprised if if you wind up very dead because of it. Which brings to mind some of the shootings we've had here in America..just makes you wonder don't it? But I think it goes without 'saying' that the good Lord is keeping a vengeful eye on sinners right here in America, and making them 'pay' for their sinful habits. Praise the lord, and pass the ammo! :/

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