Monday, December 28, 2015

Bizarre 'SLI' Phenom

People all over the world have noticed that streetlights turn off when they get near them and turn back on when they’ve passed.

Buddy Black OMG! omg! And here, I Thought that I alone, was afflicted with this incredable 'talent'! Here, just sit back for a moment while we 'time travel' as I recount from actual 'experience' these incredible, and documented events in life that make Me More than 'qualified' to be a 'Bizarre Phenomenon Poster boy'. Oh, where to begin...well, I suppose at the very 'beginning' would be a Start. My very First recollection of my 'BP' was when I was just a wee lad, still freshly in diapers. Even though I was born at Such a young age, even at That young age I was able, through some strange quirk of mental telepathy no doubt, to forewarn my, up til Then clueless parents, that Potty training was Not going to be the most Fun period of their life. And of course I was Right. Then there was the time not much later in life, that my science teacher, and Who but Science Teacher would 'know' these things, told me after what must have been an exacerbating day, "son, you just have a 'way' of turning people Off, and sucking the Life out of things, your talents are unparrelled!" There, the proof is in the pudding as That accolade came from Academia itself! And how well I recall the time I flipped a light switch on, and the light bulb gave out a smarky 'pop', and all was dark. Yes, I sucked the life right out of it. And conversly, the time that while visiting my grandparents farm I bent over to cross through the pasture fence, digging my bare toes into the moist soil, and grabbing hold of the wire to part it for my carefree pass through. In that one split second, I was able to 'energize' Fifteen Miles of barbed wire and scourch many square yards of grass all around me! What Energy! At That particular point I saw that I could Also 'transmit' energy, as well as suck it up. I was Double talented!! And the time that while swimming with friends in a local pond during a thunder storm. I was able to innocently suck a lightening bolt from a cloud which zapped the water causing us to pop out like so many champagne corks! And later in life, the time I turned the ignition key of my old VW bug, and nothing happened, but I knew that I was simply draining the battery into my Own being because the more I tried to start it, the hotter I became, and the sweatier I got. Yep, 'cause and effect' in action. And yes, I too have some experience with 'street lights'. Let me recall it for you. I well remember the time near dusk of the day, I was tooling along in a car that actually started, and head lights working, when all of a sudden as I approaced a street light my 'energy' was projected to it, and as if by some unexplained 'BP' (Bizarre Phenomenon) that streetlight went Out! Then as I passed, I saw with my very own eyes, the light went dim and then came back On. The same thing happened with the Next street light, and so on down the road. Oh, if Thats not the Power of 'SLI' (Streetlight Interference) then please tell me what Is! Now, I could go on, and on, and on with scientifically verifiable instances of the Phenomenon that I possess, but I think that with these mentioned events that you now fully understand, and can identify with, the incredible burden and responsibility of one who is 'afflicted' with this 'talent'. So, you doubting thomases who are Sooo quick to be naysayers, and building your bonfires on which to roast we who you do not understand, how jealous you must Be! Just remember though, the next time you flick a switch and Nothing happens, or a street light goes Out as you pass, or you get a 'compliment' from someone as I did from my teacher, You, yourself, could be afflicted by 'The SLI Effect', which by the way is Not so bad during the Daytime but Is a bit vexing the darker it gets. So, go forth, carry a 'reverse polerization anti-interference' flashlight, and be prepared to be 'SLI'd' just when you least expect it, and have the jibbies scared right out of you. Good luck fellow 'SLI'ers', you Really Suck! ;););)

Bizarre Phenomenon: People Seem to Turn Off Streetlights With Their Bodies

In Beyond Science, Epoch Times explores research and accounts related to phenomena and theories that challenge our current knowledge. We delve into ideas that stimulate the imagination and open up new possibilities. Share your thoughts with us on these sometimes controversial topics in the comments section below.
People all over the world have noticed that streetlights turn off when they get near them and turn back on when they’ve passed.
A 53-year-old American housewife told Hilary Evans, a lead researcher of this phenomenon: “I couldn’t believe this was a phenomenon that others shared with me. I just thought I was nuts and so did those I told. … I first noticed street lights going off when I began taking college classes at [night] … Several times when I would turn into my street to come home, the streetlight outside our home went out. I didn’t say anything thinking something was wrong with it.
“Then it began going off when I would step out onto the porch. For a while, I thought it was coincidence, then I began noticing lights turning off in other places.” For example, one night when she was walking with a friend, four lights went off as they passed and turned back on after she was clear of them.
“It continues to happen to me, and I continue to try to make others believe me,” she wrote. Evans received many such testimonies from people of all walks of life. Evans also noted in his book “The SLI Effect,” that unlike some other paranormal phenomena, this one does not relate to any greater belief systems or carry with it the benefits or merit of other supernormal abilities. People thus have less reason to make it up.
Electrical engineer Bill Beaty explained his theory about streetlight interference (SLI), as the phenomenon is called, in an episode of William Shatner’s “Weird or What?”
Beaty thinks people who experience SLI, dubbed SLIders, may be walking electric generators. He spoke of the static electricity we conduct when we scuff our feet on carpet, for example. He said we could conduct electricity by stealing electrons from the air each time we inhale.
If inhaling makes us electrically charged, why doesn’t everyone have the same effect on streetlights? Beaty said there may be an as-of-yet undiscovered virus that could alter some people’s lungs, making them more likely to carry a charge.
He recognizes that his theory is weird.
“The vast, unstudied collection of weird things—some of those are real, and those are Nobel-Prize discoveries,” he said.
Gary M. Rowe, who has studied the phenomenon in the UK for 25 years, provides “a practical guide to investigating apparent Street Light Interference (SLI).”
He notes that an investigator must rule out causes for streetlights flickering or going out, such as faulty lights and lowered temperature (which can affect the lights’ operation).
*Image of streetlights via Shutterstock

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