Monday, December 21, 2015

Oh Yeah? Well, You're A Dumb Jerk

 'No I'm Not, You're a bigger jerk than me! Oh yeah, well, you're dumb as a Rock! In fact, your dumber than a whole Pile of a bunch of Rocks! And you know what Else? You make Rocks look like Rhodes Scholars! Ha, is that Right big mouth! Well, you're so dumb that if a Fly had Your brain, he'd fly backwards! Ha, is that so, well if a Duck had Your brain he'd fly upside down and have a 'quack-up'! Ohhh, you're just a dumb Jerk!'re so dumb you thought the 'Oval Office' was a donut shop! Oh yeah!? Well, it takes one to Know one Mr. Jerk!          And so Ends another 'enlightening' Presidential 'debate' between two 'intellegent', and 'mature' wannabes for the White House.  May the good Lord have Mercy on our pitiful souls.'  :/ :/  

Bush, Trump continue to trade insults: 'jerk,' 'dumb as a rock'

Jeb Bush and Donald Trump continue to trade insults this week from New Hampshire to Twitter. (CNN Newsource)

CONTOOCOOK, N.H. (AP) Days after going toe-to-toe with Donald Trump on the debate stage, Jeb Bush seemed to relish his new role as the Republicans' chief Trump critic while campaigning on Saturday in New Hampshire.
"I've got to get this off my chest: Donald Trump is a jerk," Bush said, unprompted, between answering two voters' questions. Then he slammed the billionaire businessman for insulting women, Hispanics and people with disabilities during the campaign.
"Who is he kidding?" Bush asked the crowd. "I gave myself therapy there. Thank you for allowing me to do it," he admitted, half-jokingly.
Bush's frustrations with Trump are not surprising. Once considered the establishment favorite for the party's nomination, Bush's policy-heavy campaign has been sagging for months and failing to break into the double digits in preference polls. Trump, by comparison, continues to dominate the field, seemingly becoming stronger with each new, inflammatory statement he makes, the latest being a call to ban Muslims from entering the country.

Trump meanwhile went on a tirade on Twitter taking aim at Bush and his campaign.
The strings of messages started Friday afternoon when Trump called Bush's campaign "a disaster" before imploring the former Florida governor to use his last name and "don't be ashamed of it!"

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