Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Yep, Just Shoot'em All

' Well!  Looks like I might be suffering from 'foot in mouth disease', or as Some might call it, 'Trump Mouth'. it what you like, what I Think, is what I think, Eee Iii Eee Iii Ooo.  Here, just let me quote myself once again; "I think capital punishment should be considered for people who are felons and re-enter this country illegally, yes", We have to make sure we are not incentivizing people whose only intent is to victimize."  And That's what I said and That's exactly what I Mean.  Actually I didn't realize someone was writing all that down, ErrK!  I was just as supprised as You when it wound up in the 'news', but hey, I'm a professional politician and if everyone Else can run off at the mouth then so can I.  And you know what, I stand by my personal beliefs no matter that it might cost me my job or make my 'party' look like a throwback to the stone age politics.  And I say Execute those illegal border crossers, line'em up against that sorry excuse for Obama's Border wall, and just shoot the dickens out of'em.  First, I'd shoot at their shuffling sneaky feet and make'em do the Mexican Hat Dance, Then I'd really drill'em good, and just leave them there.  Send a clear message back to the rest of'em who might stupidly be thinking about jumping our insignificant border wall. Don't mess with gringos, ringos!  Shoot I've got some More beliefs that would shut down crime right in it's sorry tracks.  Here's one, and don't write these down, I already have enough heat on my butt.  Let's say someone, as in a felon criminal, re-offends and is unlucky enough to be caught. Say Goodbye right hand and left thumb!  Yep, that's right!  Now let's say he does something stupid Again, GoodBye left foot and right big toe.  Gonna be tough to re-offend after That huh?  Hey, I Got this cool idea from some governments over seas that have had real good results in cracking down on criminals using this very same method.  I'm surprised we haven't been using it Here already. Boy, I wish I was running for President, I'd get tons of votes with That one!  Well anyway, just stay tuned to your local Iowa news channels, I'm sure you'll be seeing much More 'news' about, And From me.  Until Then just send me some of Your own ideas about how we can make America stand out in the worlds News, just like I'm doing.'  :/ :/


Congressional Candidate Wants To Execute Some Repeat Border Crossers

“There is no reason to have felons here who threaten our way of life,” said Iowa Sen. Mark Chelgren.

Iowa state Sen. Mark Chelgren (R) has a message for any immigrant felons who re-enter the U.S. illegally: You should be executed.
Chelgren made made the suggestion in an interview with his hometown newspaper, the Journal Express, on Monday while announcing his bid for Congress. He said he supports execution if an undocumented immigrant commits a felony in the U.S., gets deported, and then breaks immigration law a second time.
“There is no reason to have felons here who threaten our way of life,” Chelgren said.
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Chelgren's statement was met with harsh criticism from Iowa Democrats on Tuesday, and state Republicans distanced themselves immediately. Charlie Szold, a spokesman for the Republican Party of Iowa, told the Des Moines Register, "These remarks do not represent the values and beliefs of Iowa Republicans. Period."
Andy McGuire, chairwoman of the Iowa Democratic Party, said Chelgren's remarks were "vile, hateful and downright deplorable," the Register reports.
The backlash may be bad news for Chelgren's campaign for Iowa's 2nd Congressional District seat, currently held by Rep. Dave Loebsack (D-Iowa City), according to The Associated Press.
Yet he doubled down on Tuesday, telling AP that he was talking specifically about immigrants with felony convictions trying to re-enter the U.S. illegally with criminal intent.
"I think capital punishment should be considered for people who are felons and re-enter this country illegally, yes," Chelgren said. "We have to make sure we are not incentivizing people whose only intent is to victimize."
He added: "Those are my beliefs and my beliefs alone and I stand by them."

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