Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Ouch! That Hurt!

   'Hi there! My name's OKLA and this here is my sidekick HOMA. We volunteered to come all the way from our crime free, and Muslim free State of Texass to come here and protect this here Second Admendment protected Gun store from them rascally Muslims that have taken over nearly All of this here United States. Except Texass because we don't allow them to live there, and if they're visiting or passing through they gotta be outta town by sundown. Now you may have read that I nearly shot my fool leg off when I went and dropped my gun. OMG!! Man, that Hurts! Hurts like crazy it did! Man I didn't know a Bullet could Do that! They're So small! For a second there I thought that Homa had joined 'them' and done shot me. You know, I didn't know that darn thing was even Loaded. Heck, I didn't even know I had bullets for it! But you know I was lookin' pretty cool for a while out there, struttin' back an forth, giving people the Cold eye and lookin' out for them terrorists. I can spot one a mile away. I can! They all wear them black PJ's with a towel on their heads, and carry that big black flag, and ride around in those pretty white Toyota's with that big machine gun in the back. Yep, I can spot'em right off. They All Look alike! If I see one I ain't gonna ask questions, I'm just gonna shoot'em real good, well, as soon as I take a few gun safety courses anyway. Mr.Trump says the only good Muslim is a dead one, so that's what I'm gonna do. He's my hero, my BFF. He's gonna be our new 'leader' you know! Gonna lead us out of temptation, and deliever us from evil he is. And he's gonna deport millions and millions of them people right back to where they came from. Hey, wait, that'll put me out of a cool job, that is if I ain't done it already myself. In the meantime this God fearing gunstore must be protected by all means necessary, no telling when them Muslims will come rolling across that desert and try and capture this arsenal. They sure have a lot of pretty guns in there. I wonder if they have one that won't go Off when it's Dropped. This ain't the first time for Me, shoot, I done shot every part of my paranoid body at one time or another. I oughta get the civilian Purple Heart medal! Well, I better hobble back over to the store, I see that Homa has dropped his bullet. Remember. If you ain't a gun totin' Christian like Us, don't even Bother tryin' to get in this store! :/ :/


Volunteer Guard at ‘Muslim-Free’ Store Shoots Himself by Accident


See, this is how the terrorists win.
An armed member of a volunteer group guarding an Oklahoma gun store that declared itself “Muslim-free” accidentally shot himself. The armed civilians showed up after store owners said they had gotten death threats over the new policy.
The store, named “Save Yourself Survival and Tactical Gear,” drew national attention when the manager, himself an Iraqi vet, declared the new policy. “I didn’t want any terrorists, or Muslims, cult, whatever you want to call them, training on my gun range,” he said. “There is a military recruiting station in the mall in Muskogee, and I thought this was one thing I could do to help protect our local soldiers.”
Fun Fact: Of all the places ISIS is likely to strike, we can assume Muskogee is fairly low on their “to do” list.
Muskogee County Sheriff Charles Pearson said while waiting for ISIS to arrive, one of the volunteers dropped his gun and a bullet hit him in the arm.
Pearson expressed concern about how some of the guards were handling their weapons. “I saw several of those gentlemen out there yesterday,” Pearson said. “The way they were holding their weapons, with the fingers on the triggers, you can tell a couple of these gentlemen have no idea about weapons safety. It’s like the Clampetts have come to town.”
“Everybody is entitled to say what they feel, and the other people are entitled to tell them how they feel about their opinion,” he continued. “When that gets out of control, that’s where we come in. The only thing that I ask, if they are true patriots, that when the threats do come or the undesirables do show up, call us and allow us to handle it.”
But what’s this?
Two Muslim protesters from California arrived at the shop after the shooting incident, lead by Chris Martin, who says he is a Desert Storm veteran who converted to Islam while serving in the U.S. Navy. Martin said he and his daughter drove straight through from California after hearing about the store’s “Muslim-free” policy.
And then what happened in this struggle for freedom to be stupid?
Several members of the volunteer guard group saw Martin drive up and motioned to the group to get him and his daughter off the property. Cooler heads prevailed, said one volunteer, who called himself “Eagle One.” Eventually the store’s owner came and asked Martin and all news media to leave the property and that pretty much wrapped this all up for now.

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