Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire

  'What!?? There 'they' go picking on me again! Ya 'stretch' the 'truth' one little time and Everafter you're a big fat liar! Hey, look folks, so I didn't realize that in order to be President of this Country ya have to actually Tell the Truth. I mean, who would'a Thought? Who's the wise guy that made up That stupid Rule. Look, I hate to admit it, but Sure, I tell a fib once in a while, maybe a Lot of'em. But So What! If I'm gonna be a politician, I gotta tell Lies! That's just the way it Is Americans! You lie, I lie. Get used to it already. Look, I may not be the smartest kid in the classroom but I Know what voters want to hear. They don't give two hoots about the Truth. They don't care. Don't care! Sure, they would Love to Know the 'truth' but they can't stand to Hear it. Hearing it makes'em sick, Sick I tell you! Right now I've got their votes in my pocket, even those idiots from Iowa, they love me too. They might 'say' they don't but they Do. See, they're a bunch of liars too. But they're good Voters! I mean come On, it hurts to say this but do you think for one second that these disenfranchised, low paid, paronoid, government hating voters would even pay Any attention to Me if I told them the Truth? Show me One President, especially current, that is Not a Liar, and hey I'm not sayin' he Is, Americans Expect That! For instance, do you think they'd vote for me if I told them that I can't Really build that zillion dollar Mexican Wall, or that I can't really deport millions and millions of illegals, or that I can't Really force all Muslims in America to 'register', or that I didn't Really witness thousands of Muslims cheering in New Jersey when the Towers were destroyed, or that...well you get the idea here, shoot, I'd need a lot more time than I've got to list All my 'lies', or 'facts' as I like to call it? Nope! They'd just vote for the next guy who Does lie. That's why I'm ahead in the polls. I'm a Bigger liar than the rest of'em. Of course that darn brain surgeon is throwing out some great vote getting lies himself! Gotta Up my game here. Anyway. Americans as a whole are pretty stupid when it comes to picking their favorite candidates for public office, especially for President. I've got it in the bag folks. I'm qualified! And just wait untill I your President! Once I'm elected I'll always lett the 'truth', no matter what it is. I promise! And That's Not a lie. Boy, talk about Exciting! Remember, a Vote for Me, is a vote a less learned liar won't get.'  :/ :/ :/


Donald Trump Is Making Fools of His Fans

The less sense he makes, the better Donald Trump performs in the polls. It has gotten to the point where there may be a measurable inverse correlation between Trump’s performance in public opinion surveys and his coherence and intellectual consistency. While it will surely only compel his super-fans to dig in their heels further in their display of antipathy toward undefined and yet omnipresent “elites,” it is nevertheless critical to remind those conservatives who maintain some lingering attachment to the principles of conservatism that the GOP’s 2016 frontrunner is not one of them.

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