Friday, December 4, 2015

Stop The 'War', We're Out Of Bombs

  •     'Rinnng,Rinnng,Rinnnnng...Ah Hello Mr.President, This is The Secretary Of Defense, just wanted to run a few things by you if you've got a few minutes..Oh sure Mr.President, things are looking pretty good out there, just about got those pesky terrorists cornered...or 'contained' as you refer to it, Somewhere out there, and yes Sir we finally got that Carrier back out in the 'war zone', whew, that was a close one for sure, who'd ever thought that the biggest, and best armed Navy in the whole wide world could run out of Air Craft Carriers. Ah, look Sir, I really hate to bother you with such a petty issue as This, and I Know you Want us to bomb the jibbies out of those darn fanatics over there before they make to our shores, but we seem to have a little 'problem' with that irksome 'supply and demand' thingie. Well, no, we have plenty of Airplanes, yep, no problem There Sir. Nope, Plenty of good pilots to fly'em that's for sure, and plenty of places and targets to fly'em To. Yes Sir, everythings just fine in those particular departments...but for one little bitty tiny minuscule thing Sir. Looks like, and I Know you're gonna yell at me about this, it seems as though, well actually Sir, I'm pretty Sure, that we have ran clean Out of stuff to drop from those billion dollar fighter planes. Ah, yes Sir, Bombs, and Missiles. Bombs and Missiles Sir. That's right. Well it looks like we dropped and shot up all we had in the storage shed. Well, I think whoever was supposed to be counting those things might have gone on vacation and looks like we sorta lost count, and the next thing you know, Kaploowee, we just ran right out of'em. Darndest thing! Yes Sir, Another case of piss poor planning. Yes Sir it Would be 'funny' if it weren't so Pathetic. Well Sir, I don't know What to do about it but I think we need some more 'crazy money' so that we can buy some more of'em. Actually I'm not too sure that We even still make our Own munitions Sir. Well, I don't exactly Know Sir, maybe you could call our BFF's in China, I hear they have zillions of bombs and stuff, hey after all, they do make a lot of the componants for our top secret fighter planes you know. Maybe they could sell us some Bombs too. Well, I did consider Russia but I think they're not too happy with us right now, not a good idea Sir. Oh, it'll take about four years for us to stoke up on what we need even if we Could make them ourselves. I guess we could borrow some from the Brits, and maybe France, I mean after all we Did save their butts in WW2, the least They could do Now is save Ours. Yes Sir, I realize that we are 'at war' here, I guess it was just piss poor planning on 'someones' part, but you know how that 'fog of war' thing goes, just when you think you're winning and you got'em on the run, all of a sudden we're throwing Rocks at'em. Yes Sir, I realize that once the 'Press' gets wind of this that pretty quick the whole world will know about it, and we are gonna look pretty darn stupid, not to mention incompetent, yes Sir, Mostly Stupid. Yes Sir, we probably shouldn't have ragged Russia about those 'dumb' bombs they were dropping, yes Sir, at least they have bombs to drop. Yes Sir, I'll call all of our National Guard units to see if they have any laying around that we can use. No Sir, just flying over and yelling Boom probably won't work as well as the real thing. Oh, I understand Sir, you mean drop Me out and I yell Boom on the way down. Got it Chief! :/ :/ :/ :/

  • US is running out of bombs to drop on ISIS

    Air Force has fired off more than 20,000 missiles, bombs since in 15 months

    UPDATED 6:07 PM EST Dec 04, 2015

    Airstrikes against ISIS in Syria
    US Navy/CNN

    Airstrikes against ISIS in Syria
    US Navy/CNN


    WASHINGTON (CNN) —The U.S. Air Force has fired off more than 20,000 missiles and bombs since the U.S. bombing campaign against ISIS began 15 months ago, according to the Air Force, leading to depleted munitions stockpiles and calls to ramp up funding and weapons production.
    As the U.S. ramps up its campaign against the Islamist terror group in Iraq and Syria, the Air Force is now "expending munitions faster than we can replenish them," Air Force chief of staff Gen. Mark Welsh said in a statement.
    "B-1s have dropped bombs in record numbers. F-15Es are in the fight because they are able to employ a wide range of weapons and do so with great flexibility. We need the funding in place to ensure we're prepared for the long fight," Welsh said in the statement. "This is a critical need."
    The bombing campaign has left the U.S. Air Force with what an Air Force official described as munitions depot stocks "below our desired objective."
    The official told CNN that the Air Force has requested additional funding for Hellfire missiles and is developing plans to ramp up weapons production to replenish its stocks more quickly. But replenishing that stock can take "up to four years from time of expenditure to asset resupply," the official said.
    "The precision today's wars requires demands the right equipment and capability to achieve desired effects. We need to ensure the necessary funding is in place to not only execute today's wars, but also tomorrow's challenges," the official said.
    The Air Force's publication of the number of missiles and bombs dropped comes amid continued criticism from Republicans -- in particular those running for president -- who insist the Obama administration has been too timid in the fight against ISIS, with many on the right calling for the U.S. to loosen the rules of engagement and lead a more aggressive fight against the militant group.
    American pilots have fired weapons in less than half of the nearly 18,000 sorties they have in the first 10 months of 2015, according the latest figures available.
    That's up from 2014, when pilots fired their weapons just one third of the time

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