Sunday, November 29, 2015

Moses, Democracy's Founding Father

  'Why in the World are the 'Un-learned' questioning our 'Christian' values here in our scholarly, and not a Little asleep at the wheel, State of Texass? Look, we Know what we're talking about here! It's not like we just recently crawled out from underneath the Blasphemy Stone! Every single one of our State Legislators, All of our State School Board members, our Govenor, all of His underlings, All of our School Teachers, and for cryin' out loud, All of our school Students, And their Parents, are devoted bible thumping Christian Conservatives! Every One of Them! All of'em! We actually Counted them! Texass is a full blown God fearing Bible State, and least anyone doubts it, just check out our new authoratative Texass textbooks. Which by the way, and due to a quirk of fate and slight of hand, the rest of America must now use. Say's it all right There! Beside's, we have absolute Proof, documented Evidence, eye wittness accounts, and I'm pretty Sure that there's even a Video Clip somewhere in our extensive 'Proof of Things' archives, that Prove's Moses inspired America's Democracy. Hey, That's Not the Blarney Stone he's holding! That's Democracy folks! All those 'shalt nots' pretty much proves our point here. Now there are some fools who actually believe that Solon the Athenian is The founder of what we now know as 'Democracy', but that's all the devils hogwash! Why, Moses started the Equel Rights movement, he even wrote the first Constitutional Government charter. So you See, Moses Is the Man! Without Him, there would be none of Us. Jesus sent him to save us from ourselves, and that's exactly what we're gonna do! Texass is gonna singlehandidly pull the rest of America out of it's nose dive to hades! Already there's abosolutly No sin going on in Texass. There's No crime, no fornication, no out of wedlock children, no cussers, no liers, no homo's, no racial bias, no mentally unbalanced idiots, no corruption in our Christian State Govenment, no illegal immigrants, no Muslims, no interracial mixin' goin' on, and most of all, the devil is not allowed here. And you know what, no matter what it takes, and no matter what we have to do, we're gonna make sure that the rest of America is Just Like Texass, so help me God as our witness! Proud American Christians will rise up and cast out the demons from our proud and rightious State, and then the rest of America will be glad we did. Except for Sinners of course. We will wash them in the blood of the lamb, or Their Own blood if we have to! Nothing or no one can stop us now. No one will be foolish enough to oppose us because God is on our side! If you're against Us, then you are For the Devil! We will smite the un-believers with God's mighty Sword! Smite you! Oh, and that stupid, defunct, asinine 'Seperation of State and Church' thing...Ha, we're Done with That silly idea. Now, it's 'Seperation of State and Common Sense'. The State Will be our Church! We will indoctrinate all of our children to believe what We believe. Our Christian crusaders will control our State Govenment, just like we Now control all of Texass Schools and Text books, and then All State Governments, and Then the United States Government just like we did in the 1950's! New laws will be passed, the 'Blue Laws' will be back, and we will all live in peace once again. Really. No, Really! Praise the Lord, and pass the Texass Textbooks! :/ :/


Christian conservatives win, children lose: Texas textbooks will teach public school students that the Founding Fathers based the Constitution on the Bible, and the American system of democracy was inspired by Moses.On Friday the Republican-controlled Texas State Board of Education voted along party lines 10-5 to approve the biased and inaccurate textbooks. The vote signals a victory for Christian conservatives in Texas, and a disappointing defeat for historical accuracy and the education of innocent children.The textbooks were written to align with instructional standards that the Board of Education approved back in 2010 with the explicit intention of forcing social studies teaching to adhere to a conservative Christian agenda. The standards require teachers to emphasize America’s so called “Christian heritage.”In essence, Christian conservatives in Texas have successfully forced a false historical narrative into public school textbooks that portray Moses as an influence on the Constitution and the Old Testament as the root of democracy.Critics called the whole process into question after publishers posted a number of last-minute changes to the textbooks yesterday, leaving board members and observers without time to figure out exactly what was in the approved texts.According to reports, scholars did not have an opportunity to review and comment on the numerous changes publishers have submitted since the last public hearing. Some of those changes appeared to have been negotiated with state board members behind closed doors.Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller issued the following statement:“What we saw today shows very clearly that the process the State Board of Education uses to adopt textbooks is a sham. This board adopted textbooks with numerous late changes that the public had little opportunity to review and comment on and that even board members themselves admitted they had not read. They can’t honestly say they know what’s in these textbooks, which could be in classrooms for a decade.”In addition to Miller’s complaints about the process, the Texas Freedom Network issued a statement on today’s State Board of Education vote to adopt new social studies textbooks for Texas public schools, noting:the new textbooks also include passages that suggest Moses influenced the writing of the Constitution and that the roots of democracy can be found in the Old Testament. Scholars from across the country have said such claims are inaccurate and mislead students about the historical record.Emile Lester, a professor of history in the Department of Political Science and International Affairs at the University of Mary Washington, claim the textbooks contain “inventions and exaggerations” about Christianity’s influence on the Founding Fathers and, by extension, the formation of American democracy.Credible historians warn the misguided attempt to suggest biblical origins for the Constitution would lead students to believe that “Moses was the first American.”Scholars claim the decision to include the biblical figure of Moses in social studies education is part of a concerted effort by Christian extremists to promote the idea that the United States is a “redeemer nation” – giving a divine justification for supposed American exceptionalism.The proposed textbooks are deeply flawed, and have no place in a public school classroom. It is wrong and factually incorrect to teach Texas public school students that the Founding Fathers based the Constitution on the Bible.Despite the efforts of Christian conservatives to pervert and twist U.S. history to satisfy their religious superstition, the fact remains Moses was not the first American, and America is not a Christian nation.Children deserve the truth.(H/T Right Wing Watch) - See more at:

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