Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Too Little, Too Late

Yeah, 'now' Trump, 'The Incompetent', the 'man-boy', 'condemns' them as "evil". But only after being 'forced' to do so by his adult handlers, without whom he would never have spoken Any condemning words. He is not sincere about this, it is just a political correctness issue on his part, a way of appeasing his critics, and in hopes of keeping his voters tagging along in his destructive wake. If he were actually 'serious' about this, he would have said this when he had the firs...t chance, not after his feet were put to the 'fire'. This is what the bought and paid for, Electoral College got us. We are all to blame for his 'Presidential' existence, and as long as that antiquated 'voting' system exists, travesties like Trump will continue to flourish. And he Still refuses to condemn these criminals for what they really are; Domestic Terrorists!

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Several advisers pressed Mr. Trump to issue a more forceful rebuke after his comment on Saturday that the violence in Charlottesville was initiated by “many sides.”

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