Thursday, August 17, 2017

Our President is "So Sad"

'Oh, this is such a 'sad' time in my life! Sad, so sad. Look what the DEMONcrats are doing to our glorious history, our 'untainted' culture, our wonderful Southern 'heritage'! Our 'hero's' are being diss'ed, maligned, bad mouthed! Their bronzed statutes are being removed from our courthouses, our parks, our highways, and byways, and being abused by those who no longer wish to be intimidated by such icons. Of course, as we all 'know', these 'hero's were on the loosing side of... a war started by those traitorous SLAVE holding states that tried to secede from the Union so that they could continue to OWN other Human Beings like so much cattle. But hey, so what! A lot of ignorant southern folks still love those guys! Adore them! Revere them. So, maybe they just love losers, I don't know. No clue. I'm ignorant of American history, so don't ask me. No clue. It's just “foolish” to remove statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson...monuments to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would be next". “Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues of 'Southern Pride', and monuments,” sad, so sad. These icons mean so much to a 'certain' segment of southern American society. If we take these beautiful and moving tributes to Traitors down where will the 'living in the past' southerners then be able to rally round with their Sheet 'dresses', and white pointy hats, Tiki torch in hand, and shouting words of secession, and southern pride stuff to one another? Disgusting. Sad. Huge. Dear, dear me, sadist day of my whole entire life...nearly..almost.'

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President Trump returned to nativist themes, lamenting an assault on “culture,” reviving a bogus story about General John J. Pershing and attacking Republicans.

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