Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Domestic Terrorists!

 And just who do these frustrated ex or none at all military rejects think they were going to have a massive firefight with in the first place!? I mean, Really! These Anti-Government Terrorists have absolutely no place in Our American society! They should never have been allowed to form, exist, and flourish in our America! They serve no logical or lawful purpose. They do not serve under any Government entity, they have no legal or lawful right to even 'think' about enforcing any laws of our country, which by the way, they exist to destroy in the first place. For them to be allowed to show up Armed to the teeth, as if ready for military combat is a sad, and dangerous state of affairs that should not be allowed to continue. In America, we have certified Law Enforcement authorities, our National Guard, Our federal Officers, and our Military to carry out their specific duties. How could these Anti-Government terrorists pretending to be societies 'protectors' from evil, which they see as our Government, and rule of law, ever 'protect' us from themselves in the first place? They are NOT included in that list of agencies that are charged with Law Enforcement, and Military Duties in our America. I say "OUR' America, because it is NOT 'their' America. They have disowned it by virtue of pledging to destroy our America. They have no place here, and we have no need of them. They are Domestic Terrorists, and the day has come when America should deal with them as such. The longer we wait, the stronger, and bolder they will become.

The NRA says that the "Second Amendment protects the First Amendment," but what they really mean is that the Second Amendment protects their "right" to be bigots and racists, and to even cause violence, in the face of principled opposition from real American patriots.
  When U.S. District Judge Glen E. Conrad rejected Charlottesville, Virginia’s attempt to relocate Saturday’s white nationalist rally, he wrote that “m ...
slate.com|By Dahlia Lithwick

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